Passover: Filthy Jews Celebrate Murdering Innocent Children, Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2016


“Muffugguh, bes be pus dat lamb’s blud upondat der door, so dat blessed Yahweh don’t be murder us by assident. Dat Yahweh be goo boy, buts maybe he assident keel da chosen baby cus he dunno.” -The Jews

Today begins yet another Jew religious celebration, which is yet again about murdering innocent goyim children.

According to the Jews’ religious books, he was kept a slave by the Egyptian goyim, and escaped slavery by getting their tribal god to kill a bunch of kids.

In actual reality, probably the Jews were not actually slaves to the Egyptians, but parasitic infiltrators.

Pharaoh was angry at the dirty dealings of the Jews and ordered all of their male children to be drown (reasonable). Then the Jew master Moses was sent in to the house of the Pharaoh through a tricky female – the Pharaoh’s own slut daughter. Soon, Moses began bossing everyone around and undermining all of their systems, before killing a man for no reason.

Moses then scurried away like a rat to a mountain to consult with his spirit guide.

This is what kikes actually believe.

The Jew spirit guide then told him to return to Egypt and kill goyim babies to “free his people from captivity.”

Moses then went and killed the first-born goyim babies in the night and his people were able to escape, according to the Jews.


Yahweh parted the sea so they could carry out their booty after their mass slaughter of babies.

They claim their tribal god did the killing, but that isn’t a real thing (dunno, maybe you’ve seen tribal gods killing babies – I have not). Nonetheless, they wiped the blood of a tortured lamb on their doors so their tribal god didn’t accidentally kill them.


Pharaoh’s own son was killed by the Jews.

You’d think a magic spirit who can mass murder babies in the night would know which babies he was supposed to not murder without needing a blood-stained door – but no, apparently the Jew tribal god is good at baby-murder but not pattern-recognition.


“Yeah Moses, I can kill these babies, lol. But smear sheep’s blood on your doors so I don’t kill your babies by accident roflmao.” -Yahweh

The Jews also claim that they looted the place on their way out, apparently because their tribal god did some sort of hypnotic magic on the Egyptians to make them want to give the people who just killed their kids all their belongings.

Exodus 12:

The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.

The actual narrative makes little sense. Firstly, if the Pharaoh hated these kikes so much that he had all of their men slaughtered – which is a normal reaction to Jews – why then was he trying so hard to keep them among him, to the point where these Jews had to murder a bunch of kids in order to escape?

Obviously, if there is any truth to this tale – and by following other sources, there does seem to be – the Jews were doing the exact thing they are doing to us now, controlling all of the Egyptian systems and then whining that they were oppressed. Probably, they were run out of Egypt. Maybe they killed the first born children like they claim, or maybe they added that later. I’d imagine they probably killed some babies and stole a bunch of valuables.


What we do know is that to this day – over three thousand years later – the Jews brag about killing these kids. They celebrate it for an entire week; they only eat flat-bread and force their shabbos goyim to do all their work for them during this week. Not that they normally do any work anyway, but during this child-murder celebration week, they won’t even drive a car and instead trick the goyim into drive them around.

Jews are a disgusting, filthy race. If you’re going to use child-murder as a political tactic, the least you can do is not celebrate it – especially not 3300 years later!

But this is the racial soul of the Jew: mass murder children, then celebrate it for thousands of years.


During this celebration, the Jews also like to kill goyim children and make bread out of their blood to remember the goyim children they killed in Egypt.

So, you know – keep an eye on your kids.