Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2015
![Not only do you have to be pretty messed up to race mix with a Negress, but also to become physically ill at the sight of a moderate Nationalist politician on your electric Jew.](/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/994913u8593p1i50.jpg)
LOL. Have you ever heard of something so silly before?
He has a Negress for a wife, too. How predictable.
Mr Howarth said he initially watched coverage of Mr Farage to educate himself on Ukip’s policies.
‘At the start, I did listen to his points but in the end I couldn’t,’ he said. ‘It was not good for my health.
‘Seeing him made me weak – I had to lie down. I can’t watch him anymore. I don’t want to feel ill and anxious.’
Changing the channel usually provides instant relief, but sometimes Mr Howarth gets so frustrated thinking about Mr Farage that it takes him hours to calm down.
‘If I do something else and distract myself away from it, I’m fine but otherwise it can be a couple of hours,’ he said.
Mr Howarth’s wife Catherine, 32, has also told of his reaction.
‘He has to turn the TV off or change channels because both seeing and hearing Nigel’s voice makes him physically sick,’ she admitted, saying she had sympathy for her husband’s unusual symptoms.
‘He gets anxious and irritable and his hands shake. When he does turn over his symptoms continue for a while.’
Farage isn’t much of a radical at all, so I wonder what would happen if Howarth saw an actual hardcore Nazi on the electric Jew, or encountered one in real life. He’d probably have a heart attack, keel over, and die.