Daily Stormer
July 30, 2014

Putting the entire population of Europe at risk for the purpose of helping one poor Negro, Germany has accepted a patient infected with Ebola for treatment.
This is absolutely insane and deeply immoral. It is unjustifiable. But they do it out of guilt, out of a post-Christian desire to give their lives in pursuit of “justice” for the unwashed hordes of non-Whites.
They are a shame on the names of their ancestors.
With medical services across Europe on high alert to prevent any risk of the Ebola virus spreading here, a hospital in Germany has agreed to accept an infected patient for treatment.
More than 670 people have died so far in West Africa, as doctors struggle to contain the deadliest outbreak of the virus in history.
The country of Liberia has closed most of its borders to prevent the spread of the disease.
But, amid speculation their patient may be one of the world’s leading Ebola experts, doctors in Germany insist there is no risk of the infection spreading from him.
He will be kept in a special isolation ward behind three separate air locks. The air inside the ward will be kept at lower pressure than outside, so none can escape – even though it is not believed Ebola can be transmitted by air.
Doctors and nurses will wear complete protective bodysuits with their own oxygen supplies whenever in contact with him. The suits will be replaced and burned every three hours.
The extreme precautions are an indication of how feared the Ebola virus is. The disease is spread by direct contact of blood or bodily fluids, including sweat and saliva. It causes massive internal bleeding, and is deadly in up to 90 per cent of cases.
German doctors agreed to accept the patient after a special request from the World Health Organisation (WHO), but it is not certain he will be able to come to Germany, amid reports he may be too sick to travel.
The patient has not been named, but the confirmation he is a Sierra Leonean national has fuelled speculation he may be Sheikh Umar Khan, one of Africa’s leading ebola experts, who was infected last week.
The Ebola outbreak is nature’s way of responding to the massive population crisis in Africa. But the White Man with his science gods now believes he knows better than nature.
The end is nigh.