Daily Stormer
October 8, 2014

Thomas Eric Duncan, the disease-ridden Liberian bastard who tried to take down our entire country with a deadly virus, is finally dead on Wednesday morning, at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, the hospital said.
It is suspected that racist hospital officials let him die on purpose for no reason, or because of hatred or whatever.
He had been in critical condition after being diagnosed with the virus in mid-September. People who have had contact with the Liberian national are being monitored for symptoms.
Some members of Duncan’s family have been isolated and are being monitored — their temperatures taken twice daily — to make sure they are not symptomatic. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that as of Tuesday, they had not shown any symptoms.
Several who have had contact with him were moved to a secure location Friday.
After word of the death, CNN correspondent Gary Tuchman went to a Dallas apartment where Duncan’s family members were previously and spoke with the adult daughter of Duncan’s partner.
The daughter, Youngor Jallah, is not considered to have come into contact with Duncan. She was crying and declined to speak, though she did say the family had received a call from the hospital and knew that Duncan had died.
It has just been a little over a week since Duncan began receiving treatment for the virus. Those days have been an “enormous test of our health system,” said Dr. David Lakey, the commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services.
“For one family it has been far more personal,” he said in a statement. “Today they lost a dear member of their family. They have our sincere condolences, and we are keeping them in our thoughts.”
He vowed that health care workers will continue to try to stop the spread of the virus “and protect people from this threat.”
The Ebola virus can live in dead bodies, the CDC says, and it can be transmitted after death if the body is cut, body fluids are splashed, or if the body is handled. Only personnel trained in handling infected human remains, wearing protective gear, should touch or move Ebola-infected remains, the agency says. An autopsy should be avoided, it says, but if one is necessary, the CDC should be consulted.
There are no doubt many more Ebola corpses to come, as the entire West allows itself to be taken down by this African virus, because defending ourselves from it would be a horrible act of evil racism.