Daily Slave
November 11, 2014

A group of patriotic White nationalists from Michigan traveled to Rockwall, a town close to the Dallas area, to deliver a series of speeches on the immigration invasion problem that America faces. They were harassed by a bunch of subversive Marxists and other useful idiots.
The media reporting on this situation once again used the slanderous terms “white supremacists” and “neo-Nazis” to describe this brave group of patriots.
The NSM — a white supremacist Neo-Nazi group based in Michigan — marched onto the courthouse steps and delivered its stance on immigration reform through a number of speakers, but an even larger group of protesters stood against NSM, separated only by a heavy presence of law enforcement officials from the Rockwall Police Department and Rockwall County Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff Harold Eavenson confirmed that no arrests were made in connection with the event and that law enforcement was there to ensure no county property was damaged, in addition to keeping the peace.
Counter-protesters from groups such as North Texas Anonymous, the New Black Panther Party and Open Carry Texas were in attendance. One Dallas-based television made the trip to Rockwall, and a number of locals dropped in to see the rally, which took place during the same time as Little League football games at Wilkerson-Sanders Stadium, just across the street.
Anonymous still exists? And a gun rights group has protesting Nazis?