Paul Joseph Watson Sucks More Than Cock

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2019

Out of all of the cancer flowing through these tubes, I believe that the homosexual YouTube marketer Paul Jospeh Watson is the absolute worst.

His business model is absolutely predatory and exploitative, designed to harm internet culture.

What he does is find organic memes and humor and then repackage them in a sanitized form, pretend that he has something to do with them and thus associate them with his own homosexuality. He is incapable of actually understanding the meaning behind any of these memes, so he takes the imagery and invents his own meaning, which is always absolute crap and often times incomprehensible. He mixes in words like “cuck” and “incel” and “4chan” and creates entirely new definitions for them.

He reads the Daily Stormer and tries to find things he can rip off and somehow transform into not being about Jews. When he was writing for infowars (he jumped ship when Alex got banned from everything, even though he would be nothing if he hadn’t attached himself onto AJ like a bloodsucking leech), he would regularly just rewrite my articles and take out the word “Jew.”

What he achieves is a lowering of the entire discourse of the internet by injecting nonsense, confusion and homosexuality into things that had been clever in his quest to commercialize our culture.

Just look at this.

The faggot has a Pepe shirt.

Here’s the video that’s from, where he redefines the meaning of the honk pill.

I don’t usually watch these videos. Every time I do watch them, I am absolutely blown back – as if through a wind tunnel – by the number of jump cuts this cocksucker employs. Literally ever three seconds, he jump cuts. This is the man’s job. he’s been doing this for like, a decade. And he can’t talk for more than 3 seconds without a jump cut.

This video claims what all his videos claim: “This racist meme isn’t really racist. People are just pretending to be racist to get teh lulz.”

No, Paul Joseph.

It’s not a joke.

We actually hate niggers, kikes and most of all, faggots like you.

Jared Holt literally has a better understanding of internet culture than Paul Joseph.

Paul Joseph even quotes the “Revolt Against the Modern World” clown pill meme.

Imagine Julius Evola witnessing this homosexual commercializing an ironic reference to his seminal work on the regressive, soul-crushing effects of frivolous materialism on humanity’s quest for transcendence.

This is hyperreality on steroids.

This Paul Joseph Watson video is the worst thing that I have ever seen.

Paul Joseph Watson is the absolute worst type of homosexual. He gives the unambiguous impression of the sadistic homosexual. Just looking at him, you can see that he is the type who gets the poor twink homosexuals with daddy problems, locks them in rooms and cuts them up.

But this man sucks much more than cocks: he sucks the life out of organic, racist internet culture in order to make money.

What is This Ideology?

I am against ideology, as a rule. I mean that in the absolute sense.

But what exactly is the ideology that Paul Joseph Watson is attempting to market?

He can be grouped with Sargon of Akkad, Gavin McInnes, Nazi Pug Guy, Mike Cernovich and others who were so bad at defining themselves that their branding ended up being “Alt-Lite” – that is literally what they are called on Wikipedia – which means they are defined by the fact that they purposefully withheld certain facts presented by the Alt-Right in an attempt to achieve better marketing results.

The ideology is ostensibly “classical liberalism,” but what exactly are the goals of this ideology? Nothing about it is clear. Everything is this gray, confusion zone where no one is clear what exactly it is that they want.

Is it actually an ideology, or simply a marketing strategy?

They are against Islam because Islam is a threat to homosexuality. But why do they support homosexuality (aside from the fact that many of them engage in it)?

What kind of society is a person who is pro-homosexuality trying to create? The goal is certainly not a society that is based on objective reality, because we know the effects that homosexuality have on society. We know that they abuse children to get them into their cult and we know that once in the cult, people engage in every type of anti-social behavior.

So if we take them at their word that they are promoting an ideology and an agenda, and not simply engaged in a marketing strategy, then their only goal would be the total atomization of individuals into consumer units. Which I guess would mean that their ideology itself is a marketing strategy.

The Filipinos have an idiom that translates into “you keep pumping forever and never ejaculate” (which I have always thought was a better form of “running around in circles”). And that is what this entire classical liberalism thing is.

No one knows what the goal is. I’ve studied it and have no idea. They say they want free speech, but they have to know if there was free speech, everyone who currently follows them would go into far-right authoritarianism, because it is naturally appealing to human nature given, among other things, the fact that it is definite and solid and not confusing and vague.

Furthermore, Paul Jospeh’s audience is I believe mainly heterosexual men, who would choose to listen to a heterosexual instead of a jump-cut homosexual if they had the choice.

This whole situation is so frustrating. We in the far right have all been kicked off of all of these platforms, so it has given the likes of Paul Joseph Watson to have free reign to speak to everyone who has any type of bad feeling about the system, and all he does is engage in a systematic program to make people more confused while getting rich off of advertisement – using our memes that he pulls from the few places we aren’t banned from (Stormer, 4chan).

I wish Paul Joseph Watson would do like his fellow cocksuckers always do and die of AIDS or suicide promptly.