Pay to Jew: Fresh #DNCLeaks Donor List Reveals Jews are Buying Government Positions

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2016


There are certain hu-whyte advocates out there who claim Jews are wildly over represented in the major choke points (finance, government, culture, media) of our society because of their unusually high IQ. Proponents of this theory claim the alleged 112-115 average Ashkenazim IQ is why this race of people always seems to flash past the average white Gentile despite our home field advantage, like a Kenyan runner at the 100 meter dash.

But history says different.  Just a few hundred years ago, the “brilliant” Ashkenazi Jews were dirty flea infested inbreds  pimping out their wives, daughters, and mothers for some easy cash in the ghettos of the Pale of Settlement, Hungary, Romania and Poland. Sephardic Jews, who thrived in Southern Europe, are today considered to be vastly inferior in intellect to the Ashkenazim, yet on the other hand, they were at one point the masterminds behind the Trans-Atlantic slave trade (Aaron Lopes, to name just one of many major players), and after expulsion from Spain during the Reconquista, became major world players in the realm of every imaginable illicit market, from the opium trade to human trafficking, in their new bases in Holland, Britain, and the Ottoman occupied Balkans.

By the 17th century, the Latin (Italy, Spain, Portugal) world’s monopoly on empire building and commerce–embodied by the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain–began to slip and grow susceptible to challenges, and the Sephardic influence on global affairs accompanied this cycle. As this happened, Eastern European Jews began to flood in great numbers into rising superpowers like Britain, Germany, and France, and later the United States–nations they devoured in a stunning fashion, and subsequently, whose native populations are on the brink of becoming minorities in our lifetime.

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The lesson to take from this is that Jews themselves are not self-starting geniuses or drivers of high culture, they’re criminal tapeworms who maliciously burrow into a people’s internal organs, and thus live and die according to the organic lifespan of their host.  Even if the Ashkenazim IQ studies are correct (which I doubt),  aptitude for corruption and gangsterism has never been a Western virtue.  Jews didn’t come to dominate the Ivy Leagues because of their hard work or natural intellect, they did it via cheating.

Jews Pay to Jew

The latest in Guccifer 2.0’s DNC leaks has revealed an intricate network of plutocratic corruption, where wealthy Jews and a goy neo-liberals donate large sums of money and are then given positions in the government.  This is just the tip of the ice(((berg))) of course, but hard evidence of the immense corruption the American state is stewing in rarely leaks out of the elite circles directing the scam.

You can see the full list of DNC donors published so far here , with obvious Jewish names composing somewhere between half to three quarters of the list. Keen observers have cross referenced this list with political positions allocated through the bribes, as well as internal DNC memos leaked besides it, so far the following have been identified. So what do they have in common? Oh, right, a lot of them are “New Yorkers”! I have added the appropriate prompts denoting the Jews on the list:

#1 Matthew Berzun … Ambassador to UK
#2 Julius Genachowski [JEW] … Former chairman to FCC
#3 Frank Sanchez…. Under secretary of commerce
#8 Kirk Wagner… Ambassador to Singapore
#9 Alan Solomont [JEW] … Ambassador to Spain
#11 John Roos [JEW]… Ambassador to Japan
#12 Nicole Avant… Ambassador to Bahamas
#13 Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe … Ambassador to the UN
#16 Steve Westly – CFO of California
#17 Don Beyer – Ambassador to Switzerland
#21 Don Gips [JEW] – Ambassador to South Africa
#22 Howard Gutman [JEW] – Ambassador to Belgium
#24 Cynthia Stroum [JEW] – Ambassador to Luxembourg
#27 Mark Gilbert [JEW] – Ambassador to New Zealand
#31 Norm Eisen [JEW] – Ambassador to Czech Republic
#37 Bruce Oreck [JEW] – Ambassador to Finland
#43 Tony West – deputy Attorney General
#45 Bill Kennard – Ambassador to EU

Of 18 appointees from the “pay to play” list identified so far, nine are Jewish–50%. The rest of them have close ties to Jews, like Don Beyer, who while not Jewish, is a flaming shill for Israel which means they’re probably paying him the money he uses to curry favor.  We live in a failed liberal capitalist state, where the corruption has always been overseen only because the pie in America has always been very big.  Today, the pie is shrinking, and as the economy continues to weaken, more and more people are realizing we’re frogs being slowly boiled in a pot.

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Full donor lists (click to enlarge)

Another interesting pattern on this list is that Jews appear to choose ambassadorships disproportionately in relatively important nations where Jews are internally either weak or non-existent. It’s no secret that American ambassadors wield great clout in nations economically, politically, or otherwise inter-dependent on the United States, which apparently makes countries with geopolitical or financial value like New Zealand, Japan, Finland, and others ripe targets. Having a Jew ambassador to the UK or European Union would not only be redundant, but also possibly an object of scrutiny, so they have one of their many trained career climbers sit on it in their place.

At the end of the day, if Jews were truly as brilliant as some claim, their innate ability and talent, rather than ethical abuses through their ill-begotten money, would be enough to get them appointed to ambassadorships and chairmanships. Instead, they resort to dropping bribes and gaming the system down in DC. Anyone who tells you Jews are anything but Gypsies in suits and ties utilizing violence, blood money, and ruthless tribalism to dominate us is lying to you.