Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2015

Britain’s top cop wants to pay off White police officers and hire blacks and other minorities, to deal with what he calls “institutional racism” within the Metropolitan Police.
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, Britain’s most senior officer, says that the country should be “incentivising” (sic) older White police out of the force to balance the scales of justice, The Times reports.
This verbal proof of both his insanity and personal treason comes on the heels of a daft reality documentary from The BBC (Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation) entitled The Met. This gritty, warts and all series deals with the aftermath of the shooting of a filthy black drug-dealing council-estate Tottenham gangster named Mark Duggan, which sparked senseless riots to mirror that of Baltimore.
No mention of the Rotherham child exploitation scandal in which the police turned a blind eye as curry-reeking Muslim men of the Pakistani community trafficked in under-age White girls. Nope, just White guilt over a black teen whose criminal record was as long as an Amazonian python. Bernie hung his head in White shame and sobbed, “If other people think we are institutionally racist, then we are. You’re very much more likely to be stopped and searched if you’re a young black man.”
He then curled into a helpless fetal ball, bawling like an infant over these poor unjustly treated blacks strutting passed him with looted flat-screen TVs, and bags of drugs for sale. He wailed, “We see lack of representation in many fields, of which the police are one.”

Sadly for the self-hating White, Sir Bernie’s hopes of seeing a police force filled with child rapists and drug dealers like Duggan are slim since his Met force is facing major cuts to financing over the next few years.
This controversy centers round the idiotic show, which you can guarantee is depicted out of context and with the usual BBC bias. The first episode also features Chief Superintendent Victor Olisa, a senior darkie in the force, who was rushed in after the riots.
As in the case of Mark Brown, a verdict of lawful killing was returned in the matter of the Duggan shooting. This didn’t deter protesters who really only wanted to burn things down and smash other people’s property. Olisa is shown talking to some of this trash outside Tottenham Police Station as they quizzed him on whether he only got the job on account of his skin color.
Proving the nobility of the black man is far greater than the hateful White who invaded Britain and stole it from the colored folks, he told the film crew, “I have got a colleague who works in a neighborhood borough that is Jewish and the Jewish community embrace him with open arms.”
As they wept like emancipated prisoners, he went on, “I work in a borough with a sizable black African community and I think I get more of a battering here than when I worked in a borough with a sizable number of BNP people. It boils down to race.”
At which point they stopped weeping, because he was basically saying that blacks act like blacks no matter what the color of the cop wearing the uniform.