Daily Stormer
February 12, 2015

Kosher, dough-faced bastard Jeb “Burrito Wife” Bush has fired his techie for doing the racism in college.
In the first organizational upheaval of his likely presidential campaign, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida parted ways Tuesday with a new aide who was to oversee his digital efforts.
Ethan Czahor, a co-founder of Hipster.com, was hired as “chief technology officer” for Mr. Bush, but was dismissed one day after his appointment was announced after a trail of inflammatory comments was revealed.
“While Ethan has apologized for regrettable and insensitive comments, they do not reflect the views of Governor Bush or his organization, and it is appropriate for him to step aside,” said Kristy Campbell, a spokeswoman for Mr. Bush.
Mr. Czahor initially deleted a series of sexually charged Tweets, including one that mentioned “sluts,” and Ms. Campbell had earlier suggested that his job was safe.
But The Huffington Post subsequently reported that when he was a college radio host in 2008, Mr. Czahor compared rappers to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King, he said, “didn’t have his pants sagged to his ankles” and did not speak in “jibberish.”
Mr. Czahor also said at the time that black parents needed to get their act together — although he used a stronger word than act — “as the majority of newborn black babies belong to single-parent households.”
This is getting insane. I could see if he came out with those statements now, how it would be concerning to the campaign, or if in college he had be all “gas the kikes – race war now!” But these are such light-weight statements, and so obviously factual and not debated.
And this is supposed to be the man conservatives vote for in opposition to the liberal Negro agenda? What is going on here?
For a liberal Marxist America, vote for Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton!