Daily Stormer
April 28, 2013

The schizophrenic accusations of “racism” continue to flow, this time directed at pop signer Avril Lavigne, whose Japanese themed “Hello Kitty” music video has been charged with insensitivity.
The video, though terrible, is completely harmless. It doesn’t even have any racial undertones, except that the lead signer is White, while the video was shot in Japan and features Japanese dancers and extras.
It’s hard to think of anything “racist” about the video, except that maybe Lavigne has “subservient” non-white back-up dancers, or is shown enjoying sushi.

Lavigne has dismissed the obviously ridiculous charges, responding on her twitter account:
“RACIST??? LOLOLOL!!! I love Japanese culture and I spend half of my time in Japan. I flew to Tokyo to shoot this video……specifically for my Japanese fans, WITH my Japanese label, Japanese choreographers AND a Japanese director IN Japan.”
Apparently it is now “racist” for Whites to take inspiration from any non-white cultures, as this would be an act of “appropriation”.

While the Avril Lavigne incident is rightly being ignored by most in the mainstream media, the fact that accusations of “racism” gained any traction is highly disturbing. It betrays a deep-seated leukophobia, a hatred and fear of White people.
In the world-view of Jewish Political Correctness, it is racist (i.e., evil) for White people to have their own all-White culture; it is also racist for Whites to adopt foreign cultures. In fact, the only situations where there is no chance of racism (evil) occurring, is when there are no White people at all. And that is what every accusation of “racism” boils down to: the world would be better off without us, and we should all work towards the goal of White genocide.