Daily Stormer
November 19, 2016
Not a monster? Your face is a perfect counter-argument.
Salon came out last year with this one-armed pedophile’s story. At the time, we were like, “I guess they’re going to start promoting pedophilia now, huh?”
And they probably would be, if more open pedophiles were willing to show their faces and talk to the media. But it turns out those scumbags are more comfortable in the shadows than in the limelight.
So they’re trotting out the same pervert again to try and make their point.
A SELF-CONFESSED ‘non-offending paedophile’ is “not ashamed” of being sexually attracted to children as young as three because he doesn’t act on his desires.
One-armed Todd Nickerson, 43, from Tennessee, claims paedophilia is better understood as a sexual orientation.
So, you’re not ashamed of the fact that you desire to do unspeakably evil and degenerate acts, just because you (supposedly) don’t act on them?
What about people who’d desire having sex with animals, or corpses? Should they be proud of themselves as well, and campaign in newspapers about their “sexual orientation,” as long as they claim not to act on it?
He is a moderator for the online forum ‘VirPed’ – short for ‘virtuous paedophiles’ and also sometimes called ‘ethical paedophiles’ or ‘gold star paedophiles’.
Wow, you don’t sodomize children? What an achievement. Good job, bro.
The terms are used to describe those who have an attraction to prepubescent kids but control their urges and refrain from watching child pornography or seeking sexual contact with minors.
And yet they still choose to base their identity around their sick perversion, calling themselves “pedophiles.”
The VirPed forum has a few thousand users, according to Todd, although not all of them are active members, and the site acts as a resource “to help virtuous paedophiles remain law-abiding”.
This right there is probably the most telling sign of what these people truly are and how they think.
They don’t actually think abusing children is wrong. It’s just “against the law.” This is why they say they remain “law-abiding.” But clearly, if the law was changed, they would no longer have any problem indulging their deranged desires.
Todd, who is one of only a handful of voluntarily ‘out’ paedophiles in the US, told Barcroft TV: “I am a paedophile. I’m not a monster. I have the attraction but I don’t act on it.
“I have never ever sexually abused a child and I never will. I do not look at child porn, I never will.
“I obey the laws, I respect the laws, I respect society’s position on this. I understand it and agree with it.”
Todd went public as a paedophile in a blog for American liberal news site Salon in September 2015.
Yeah, you obey the law – or so you claim.
But why are you campaigning like this?
Clearly, your goal is to foster an environment of tolerance for freaks like yourself. Otherwise, if you really thought that diddling kids was evil, you would never have come out as a pedophilia advocate, would you?
Are you condemning NAMBLA, you one-armed freak? Didn’t think so.
And what will happen once this climate of sympathy for pedos is established?
You’ll push to change the laws, of course. In fact, there’s constantly faggots agitating to lower the legal age of consent all around the Western world.
We Republicans are the only people standing in the way of this evil. You can be sure that liberals and their Jewish handlers are only growing impatient with the masses’ reluctance to embrace this next step in the progress towards social justice.
May the heavens grant us the strength to wipe this darkness from the earth forever.