Pegida’s Lutz Bachmann Fined $11k for Accurately Describing Moslems as “Scum”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2016


Lutz Bachmann: Another martyr of our Holy War.

Lutz Bachmann narrowly escaped jail after having been prosecuted for accurately describing kebab people on Facebook, but was yesterday sentenced to pay $11,000 for his statements, which could potentially have hurt some monkey’s childlike feelings.


A court in the eastern German city of Dresden has found Lutz Bachmann, founder of the anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement, guilty of inciting hatred towards refugees in a series of FB posts in which he branded the migrants “cattle” and “scum.”

Bachmann was tried for breaching section 103 of the German criminal code that imposes a prison sentence from three month to five years on those inciting hatred “against a national, racial, religious group or a group defined by their ethnic origins.” Although the prosecution demanded a 7-month jail term for Bachmann, the court opted for a milder sentence, ordering him to pay a fine of €9,600 ($11,044), which is the equivalent of €80 per day for 120 days.

Bachmann’s lawyer, Katja Reichel, claimed that the posts in question, which appeared on PEGIDA’s official Facebook page in October 2014, were not, in fact, authored by Bachmann, but rather had been added by an unidentified perpetrator who hacked into her client’s account. The defense also argued for acquittal on the basis of freedom of speech.


“He didn’t do it, but also if he did it’s free speech anyway.”

Crappy lawyer.

He should have just gone up there and went nuts and taken the jail time.

Accelerate this muffugguh.

However, presiding Judge Hans-Joachim Hlavka dismissed Bachmann’s claims of false authorship, arguing that as “the chat wasn’t subsequently altered. I exclude manipulation,” Mopo24 reported. Hlavka stressed that the freedom of speech clause cannot be invoked in this case, as Bachmann’s statements are of “inciting character” and constitute a criminal offense.

“This is inacceptable. This has an inciting character. Human dignity has been violated,” he stressed, adding that Bachmann could face real time behind bars in the case of a repeat offence.

In arriving at the verdict, the court took into account a video showing a February PEGIDA rally 2015 in which Bachmann seemingly justified his outrageous FB remarks by saying “Some screenshots have emerged, which were partly altered and shortened, in which I used a few words that we’ve all used, I’m sure, in our local pub.”

Bachmann himself has repeatedly claimed that the proceedings against him are politically motivated. In February he branded the process as “a constructed and politically-motivated trial” and wore black sunglasses shaped as a censorship bar at the opening of his trial in April

“I will hunt down the judgement via all courts,” assured Bachmann’s defender Katja Reichel.

Screenshots of Bachmann’s FB comments were published in January of 2015 by a former FB friend, Susanne K., to prove that he had lied in an interview in which he denied being xenophobic. Susanne K confirmed that she had put up the derogatory comments Bachmann had made under articles she had published in October of 2014, which served as one of the key supporting pieces of evidence in proving the incitement case.

Betrayed by a haji-loving woman?

No one could have predicted it.

For those of you who appreciate irony – I personally do not – Bachmann was sentenced for his speech on World Press Freedom Day, an alleged celebration of free speech.


German journalists lobbied the government yesterday, but not about the fact that free speech doesn’t exist in Germany, but instead about relatively obscure information access laws.


To coincide with World Press Freedom Day, on May 3, several German media associations highlighted their concerns and appealed to the federal government to address them.

The union of German journalists has called for a legally enforceable right of access to information, and a Federal Press Information Act, of which examples exist in some of Germany’s 16 states. The Federation of German Newspaper Publishers (BDZV) says journalists and their sources need better protection.

“Free media requires informants who do not live in constant fear of being spied on, and journalists who can work without being monitored,” said the BDZV General Manager, Dietmar Wolff.

May 3 has been recognized as World Press Freedom Day after a recommendation from UNESCO resulted in a declaration by the UN General Assembly, in December 1993. While remembering the journalists who die every year while working, it highlights the issues reporters face globally and is a reminder of the fundamentals of press freedom.

Beyond this, the Germans whined about speech freedoms in Turkey.

Not Germany.

Which is really, really funny, because Turkish laws against free speech are being enforced in Germany, with Merkel recently prosecuting a comedian on the orders of Erdogan for having mocked him with a funny poem.
