Pencil-Necked Little Bitch George Will Quits the Republican Party Over Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2016


Yo George, where’s your chin, bro??? Your neck isn’t thick enough to have swallowed it!


This victory train is powered by the tears of faggot cucks like George Will!

Does he not understand he is fueling our engines or White Supremacy???

Washington Post:

Conservative columnist George Will has left the Republican Party over its presumptive nomination of Donald Trump.

Will, who writes a column for The Washington Post, spoke about his decision Friday at an event for the Federalist Society in Washington.

“This is not my party,” he told the audience, the news site PJ Media first reported.

Speaking with The Post, Will said that he changed his voter registration from “Republican” to “unaffiliated” several weeks ago, the day after House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) endorsed Trump.

Will did not say which presidential candidate he will be supporting instead.

“I just know who I won’t be voting for,” he said.

Will has been an outspoken critic of Trump for months and a major proponent of the “Never Trump” movement. In April, he wrote a column with the headline, “If Trump is nominated, the GOP must keep him out of the White House.” In response, Trump called Will “a major loser.”

Speaking with PJ Media Friday, Will said a “President Trump” who was unopposed by Congress would be worse for the country than a Clinton presidency paired with a Republican-led Congress.

He added that it was too late for the GOP to nominate someone other than Trump. Instead, he said, Republican voters should just “make sure he loses,” then “grit their teeth for four years and win the White House.”

That is an official endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

These people have shown their true colors.

And no one is going to forget it.