Penn State Getting Sued for Attempting to Cockblock Richard Spencer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 21, 2017

A public university has to let Spencer speak.

They have no choice.

Daily Collegian:

Georgia State University student Cameron Padgett is suing Penn State officials after his request to rent space for white nationalist Richard Spencer to make an appearance was rejected, according to the Associated Press.

Padgett is organizing a tour for Spencer to make appearances on campuses, but Penn State President Eric Barron released a statement forbidding Spencer from speaking at Penn State.

“I disagree profoundly with the content that has been presented publicly about this speaker’s views which are abhorrent and contradictory to our University’s values,” Barron said in the statement from Penn State News. “There is no place for hatred, bigotry or racism in our society and on our campuses.”

Barron also cited concern of violence as being a factor for not allowing Spencer to speak on campus.

“After critical assessment by campus police, in consultation with state and federal law enforcement officials, we have determined that Mr. Spencer is not welcome on our campus, as this event at this time presents a major security risk to students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus,” Barron said in his statement. “It is the likelihood of disruption and violence, not the content, however odious, that drives our decision.”

Padgett said there is no reason to think Spencer and his supporters will engage in criminal misconduct, according to the Associated Press.

Padgett claims his free speech rights were violated and he is seeking damages and an injunction to force Penn State to rent him space, according to the Associated Press.

His lawyer, Jordan Rushie said the university cannot ban a speaker due to the content that will be talked about.

Now see, that stupid incident with the gun is going to be used by all of these kikes trying to ban Spencer, even though we all know that it is the antifa that are the risk of violence.

I don’t think that will work – I think these schools are all going to end up folding – but that incident, like the James Fields incident, will be cited forever and ever and ever.

That is why you people need to follow the rules.

And why you need to call out anyone else who isn’t following the rules.