Pennsylvania: Cops Ambushed and Shot Again, One Dead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2016

The days of this kind of lawlessness are coming to a swift end very soon. I can tell you that.

Fox News:

Authorities in western Pennsylvania are conducting a manhunt Thursday after a gunman opened fire on two police officers responding to a domestic violence call, killing one and injuring the other.

State Police Trooper Melinda Bondarenka told reporters that the officers were immediately met with gunfire when they arrived at the scene at about 3:15 a.m. Bonderanka said the police were “ambushed upon their arrival.”

The surviving officer has been flown to a hospital in Pittsburgh. His condition wasn’t immediately available. Neither officer was identified.

Police and SWAT teams have been seen near at least two homes in the borough about 20 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. It’s not clear whether the suspect was in either of those homes.