Pennsylvania: High School Principal Facing Criminal Charges for Not Reporting Teacher for Having Affair with Student

Mark Patrick Murphy

Though the media is not saying, this must be yet another case of a female teacher having sex with a male student. For one thing, the reverse virtually never happens, because men have the ability to control their sexual urges, and further, the story is that the teachers were complaining to the principal, and if it had been a man having sex with a teen girl, these (almost certainly female) teachers would have just called the police.

What’s more, there is nothing being said about charges against the teacher, which likely means the student was 18.

New York Post:

A Pennsylvania high school principal is in hot water for looking the other way during a teacher’s tryst with a student — claiming he didn’t want to ruin the educator’s career.

Mark Patrick Murphy, 42, principal of Lackawanna Trail High School in Clinton Township, allegedly knew about the illegal affair but failed to report it to Childline, the state’s child abuse hotline, despite several complaints from other faculty members, WBRE-TV News reported.

Murphy was told to stay home and is facing a charge of failing to report the abuse, the outlet said.

State troopers began investigating the alleged relationship after a concerned parent reached out to police on Jan. 30 about the inappropriate tryst, prompting an investigation.

Investigators learned that several teachers had complained about the relationship, and that Murphy had even interviewed faculty, students and parents about the rumored sexual encounters, WBRE said.

However, Murphy allegedly just stashed the records in his closet and never called Childline.

State police did not provide details of the alleged sexual relationship between the teacher and the student.

This is exactly what anyone should do in this situation, morally. Blowing up weird sex scandals and turning them into mass public events is vulgar, lunatic behavior.

No one supports these teacher-student relationships, but women love this and they do it constantly. It’s the law that women have to be allowed to work at schools with teenage boys, so there is simply no way to prevent it from happening. A woman is arrested for this multiple times per week, so obviously the prosecutions are not serving as a deterrent.

If you want these relationship to stop you have to take women out of these situations. Women are ridiculously wanton sexual creatures. Fundamentally, the only way a pre-menopausal woman is capable of relating to men in public life is through the lens of sex. It doesn’t matter what you think about that, it’s self-evident. Even if a woman does not engage in sex in the workplace, she is necessarily leaning into sexual dynamics in her dealings with men.

Generally, the only thing preventing women from turning every workplace into a gigantic lunatic sexual soap opera is the refusal of men to engage with it. Obviously, teenage boys have little experience with these sexual dynamics and are also ridiculously horny, so it only makes logical sense that male student-female teacher sexual relationships would be among the most common workplace sexual affairs.

Turning these things into a public spectacle is absolutely grotesque. Sex scandals have always happened, since the dawn of man, and it has always been the instinct of everyone with knowledge of these scandals to cover them up in defense of the public morality.

Look at the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal. What did the move to expose that do, other than get everyone in the country talking about blowjobs and inserting cigars into vaginas? This was a turning point in American society, where what was once the content of dirty jokes told in private was now the content of the public conversation.

Why was the Clinton-Lewinsky thing exposed? It was some ninnying, gossiping old woman in the office, who stole a dress with Clinton’s semen on it because she wanted to create a big public drama about sex for no specific reason beyond the fact that women love drama.

While dramatically defacing the public morality, the scandal did absolutely nothing to Clinton’s legacy. This is also a natural human response: “How is that even anyone’s business but that of him and his wife? What is the relevance of this information to the public?” The Republicans looked absurd, going around telling everyone about blowjobs. It was a foreshadowing of the Republican “look at this video of Hunter Biden having sex with a hooker using his huge cock!” situation. There is always going to be something fundamentally repulsive about people who go around talking about the sexual indiscretions of others.

Of course, the reality of the situation is not related to morality, and this principal should have known it was his ass on the line.