Pennsylvania: Romanian Gypsies Fleeing the Brutal Civil War in Syria Defecating in the Streets Bothers Locals

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2017

Some of the most vulnerable refugees of the brutal civil war in Syria are gypsies from Romania.

Given the trauma they’ve suffered at the hands of the Hitler-like gas-master Assad, I don’t think we can really expect them to not behead chickens or take dumps in the streets.

In fact, I find any complaint about this to be pure hatred for the color of the skin.

How is this type of hate speech still legal in a civilized country?

Fox News:

Some residents of a Pennsylvania town are upset by Romanian immigrants who they have accused of defecating in public and beheading chickens.

Residents in California, Pennsylvania – about 35 miles south of Pittsburgh – are angered by the alleged actions of the Romanian immigrants, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.

Residents have accused the immigrants of throwing around trash, disobeying traffic laws, defecating in public, being disruptive in markets and killing chickens, according to the Post-Gazette.

“What I’ve seen is men and children – never usually the women – the men and the children dropping their pants in the middle of the street, defecating, pulling their pants up and going on their way,” Dawne Roberts told WTAE-TV.


The women are too busy being T-H-I-C-C to take dumps in the street.

That’s their culture.

The Romanian refugees moved to the area through a federal program that finds temporary houses for immigrants, according to the Post-Gazette. The Romanians fled their homes in the Bucharest area where they faced persecution as a minority group.

More than 150 people attended the California borough council’s municipal meeting Thursday night as several residents complained about the immigrants.

“We’re a very diverse town, we’re very open, but they aren’t assimilating to our laws,” Pam Duricic, a lifelong resident of California, said, according to the Post-Gazette. “We are understanding that these are immigrants. But this is not the same scenario as our grandparents. They didn’t come here to raise havoc.”


Because your grandparents had the right color of skin.

Vito Dentino, a real estate agent who rents apartments to the majority of the immigrants, said that he has spoken to his tenants about not throwing trash in the yard.

“I think people around here are just overreacting,” he said.

Dentino said the immigrants were pleasant, according to the Post-Gazette, but unaware of American customs.

Yes, see.

This real estate agent getting paid by the government to house these victims of Romanian oppression thinks they’re fine.

Of course they’re fine.

How hard is it for this city to hire someone to clean up the human feces lining their streets?

Is someone taking a dump on the sidewalk really a big deal?

Or just an excuse to hate someone for their skin color?

I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Whatever the case, people are going to have to get used to it.

There are over 600,000 gypsies in Romania, and each one is oppressed.

Because of human rights and democracy, that means they’re all coming to a town near you.

So tell your city manager to hire a guy to clean the chicken heads and human feces off the streets, and get ready to keep your racist mouth shut.