Pentagon Threatens to Shoot Down Russian and Syrian Planes Over Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 24, 2016


The US is illegally occupying Syria, now they are threatening to shoot-down the country’s planes and that of their allies.


I guess it’s because of the Jews.


The Pentagon has warned Syria and Russia that the US is ready to shoot down their planes, which Washington claims threaten American advisers in northern Syria.

The warning came after US fighter jets tried to engage Syrian Arab Air Force aircraft in Syria last week, but the showdown was avoided as government planes left before the Americans arrived.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis claimed on Friday the US fighters attempted to intercept the Syrian planes to protect American advisers – a term the US military often uses for its Special Operations Forces – working with Kurdish forces after the Syrian government jets bombed the area.

On Monday, another Pentagon spokesman, Peter Cook, said, “We would continue to advise the Syrian regime to steer clear of those areas.”

“We are going to defend our people on the ground, and do what we need to defend them,” Cook told reporters.

Defend your people from the government of the country they are occupying?


I mean, by this logic, a man who breaks into someone’s house would be able to claim “self-defense” if he killed someone trying to throw him out.

Seriously. Exact same thing.

“It’s not a no-fly zone,” he said, adding that “the Syrian regime would be wise to avoid areas where coalition forces have been operating.”

When asked about Russia, Cook said the US would also do the same with Russian jets, which have been striking Daesh targets in Syria at the country’s request since last year.

“If they threaten US forces, we always have the right to defend our forces,” Cook said.

Yo, but – it’s their country, bro.

You aren’t even allowed to be there, under international law.

Will they really shoot down these planes?

I don’t know?

I guess?

They really don’t seem to understand the situation they’ve gotten themselves into.