Pentagon Trying to Kike-Over Trump’s Awesome Military Parade!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2018

How do we have money to keep sending to these sickening terrorists in Syria, but we don’t have money to have a parade at home to celebrate the greatness of our military in front of the people?

How much money have we spent on “humanitarian interventions” in the past two decades? I don’t even know, but it is double-digit trillions.

The Pentagon has the money for a parade, and Trump has to push this so we get our tanks and missiles rolling through. The people need to be inspired once again by the greatness of America.

LA Times:

Pressed by President Trump, the Pentagon is proposing to stage a military parade in November with veterans in historic uniforms and warplanes, but no tanks — a scaled-down version of the grand display of military might the president envisioned, according to a memo released by the Pentagon on Friday.

Veterans in “period uniforms” from past wars would march from the White House to the Capitol on Nov. 11 — Veterans Day — joined by “wheeled vehicles only, no tanks,” to “minimize damage to local infrastructure,” the planning document says.

Trump asked the Defense Department to plan a parade of the U.S. armed forces to celebrate military strength, much like France’s annual Bastille Day parade that he and First Lady Melania Trump attended in July in Paris as the guests of French President Emmanuel Macron.

But Pentagon officials, citing the cost, logistical difficulties and rarity of large-scale military parades in the United States, have sought to shift the focus to celebrating American history and the contributions of veterans, and away from displaying military hardware and row after row of marching troops — a scene more associated with autocratic nations, from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to, in the present age, Russia and North Korea.

You don’t understand – that is what we want.

Nazis, commies, Russia – these are all nations who celebrated STRENGTH in a way that was good for MORALE.

Furthermore, we need a more military-centric society, as I think we are probably headed for some kind of a coup over the next few years – at least that is my hope.

On that point – everything is potentially going in that direction.

I have told you, there are three ways a right-wing revolution can happen:

  1. Electoral politics
  2. Foreign invasion
  3. Military coup

Peasants revolutions only happens for left-wing revolutions. This is because right-wing ideology is much more aristocratic and elitist than left-wing ideology.

Communists can get the plebs riled up to kill the elites, sure. But fascist types cannot.

When you look at the current situation, it is not impossible to imagine that Trump is pushing things in the direction of a military coup.