People Dislike Canadian Female Journalist’s Opinions: “This is Not Okay”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2016


“This is not okay” doesn’t really get nearly as much play as “wow just wow” and “I can’t even.”

We need to do something about that.


The St. John’s Telegram — which calls itself the People’s Paper — used its front page Friday to blast what it says is “a huge lack of respect” for female journalists and women in general.

Managing editor Steve Bartlett used the headline “This is not OK!” for his response to an uproar over the past several days.

Bartlett said he was enraged by online attacks aimed at reporter Tara Bradbury. She was bombarded with nasty comments after writing an article about FemFest, a local feminist conference on domestic violence and other issues.

“People are entitled to their opinion but I don’t think it needed to go to the level that it went,” Bartlett said in an interview with The Canadian Press. “That was what really upset me.”

A column Bradbury wrote about the subsequent abuse — and the national media attention that followed — made the backlash worse, he added.

Bartlett quoted some of the remarks by commenters, whom he described as “anonymous trolls and online arseholes.”

One said: “She’d make a good living in porn.”

Another: “We should never have given them the vote or personhood in the first place.”

“Some people seem to just not want to entertain any discussion about this,” Bartlett said. “I guess that’s the shocking part, is how close-minded some people truly are.”

Despite some “incredible support” for Bradbury from many men, Bartlett said the tone of a very vocal minority displays an ugliness that men and women must fight together.

“It’s time to move past this.”

If women are exactly the same as men, as we are told non-stop, everywhere, then why do they require all of this special treatment?

I get nasty messages every single day. I don’t go around whining and demanding someone, somewhere do something to stop it. Because I’m a grown adult.

And this stuff she’s writing is a lot more radical and outrageous than anything I’ve ever written. Here’s the article that got her the backlash initially.

If women are so incapable of dealing with criticism that they need to be protected through mass campaigns telling people not to say mean things to them, then the obvious solution is to remove women from public life, not launch yet another “stop being mean, you’re hurting her feelings” campaign.

Here’s the feminist in question.

2013-06-17-10-13-42-Tara Bradbury 9806

“She’d make a good living in porn” appears to have been an attempt at flattery.

She has Twitter.
