Pepe Artist Matt Furie Hired By Anti-Defamation League to Co-Opt Meme

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2016


As I predicted, the Anti-Defamation League is starting to backpedal on declaring Pepe a “hate symbol.”

They’ve apparently recruited the once neutral creator of Pepe Matt Furie and are going to sink a bunch of cash into a social media campaign (almost certainly accompanied by a simultaneously coordinated crackdown on Pepes Jews don’t like) to “reclaim Pepe” so that he can be used to push the agenda of the ruling oligarchy. Furie didn’t seem too offended by the current use of Pepe in his Buzzfeed interview from a few months ago even when pressed over it, but he’s got bills and no back bone, so he auctioned off his artistic credentials away to Jews.


The creator of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon that has become a symbol frequently circulated by anti-Semites online, is joining forces with the Anti-Defamation League to reclaim the image as a “force for good.”

Matt Furie will create a series of positive Pepe internet memes that the ADL will promote through its social media channels with the hashtag #SavePepe, the organization announced in a news release Friday.

The character, which Furie created for an online comic in the mid-2000s, has been co-opted in recent months by white nationalist groups such as the alt-right.

“Pepe was never intended to be used as a symbol of hate,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. “The sad frog was meant to be just that, a sad frog. We are going to work with Matt and his community of artists to reclaim Pepe so that he might be used as a force for good, or at the very least to help educate people about the dangers of prejudice and bigotry.”

Furie is also scheduled to speak at the ADL’s inaugural “Never is Now” summit on anti-Semitism in New York City next month.

“It’s completely insane that Pepe has been labeled a symbol of hate, and that racists and anti-Semites are using a once peaceful frog-dude from my comic book as an icon of hate,” Furie said in the ADL release. “It’s a nightmare, and the only thing I can do is see this as an opportunity to speak out against hate.”

Images of Pepe, often depicting him in Nazi garb or with a Hitler style mustache, are frequently included in anti-Semitic and other attacks on Twitter. Donald Trump Jr. stirred up a controversy last month by posting a photoshopped image of Pepe alongside himself and various Trump advisers.

The ADL added the frog to its online hate database last month.

So great is the Jewish interest in this cartoon frog, that Furie has been hired to speak at the ADL’s summit on how to shield Jews from accountability and criticism in November. The event, like all ADL events, will be dedicated to reconciling the fact that they pull strings in the government to uncritically back a nation that sterilizes blacks, bans miscegenation, rounds up non-Jewish immigrants and puts them in concentration camps, has race-based citizenship and murders indigenous women and children by the thousands – what Israel actually is all about.

At the same time, when it comes to Western and white countries, they lobby just as aggressively for mass third world immigration, devise public school curriculums in support of Black Lives Matter, and are one of the champions and pioneers of the college campus “microaggression” movement that everyone mocks.

We don’t have a right to even have a border or else the ADL will put you on a black list as a “racist” and get you fired from your job. Yet, at once, if you try to hold Jews up to the same insane standard in their beloved Israel, they shut you down again as an “anti-Semite” and get you fired from your job. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like this dichotomy.


Matt Furie

People like Matt Furie either don’t grasp, or don’t care, about the power of saying ‘No’ to Jewish money for once. Because we are so many and Jews are so few, if enough of us simply refuse to bow down to their intimidation and bribes, it would go a long way for freedom of expression and thought in America. Furie looks like a slow stoner type, so watching him fumble through the intellectual maze of the ADL’s Machiavellian and oxymoronic ideology will be humorous, hopefully they will broadcast this Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion style conference, or at least provide the minutes.

Behind every “Social Justice Warrior” is a racial supremacist Jew hypocrite who doesn’t respect the rights or dignity of any Goyim.

#FreePepe from the shackles of Jewish tyranny. They have the purse and they have the press, but our magic is what gives Pepe the means to take life and challenge world power. It’s a magic these glib Jews will never be able to harness.


It should be noted that a representative from Google’s new 1984-style internet political dissent suppression program, Jigsaw, will be at this conference as well.  Expect nasty things to happen to our 1st Amendment right to criticize Jews following this gathering of high power Jews and NGO collaborators.