(((Perfect Timing))): Jews Demand Trump Statement After Cemetery Vandalized

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2017

The American constitution and legal system are in theory supposed to protect all of us equally. In practice, the Daily Stormer is the target of ongoing cyber-terrorist DDoS attacks – not to mention the many real death threats Jews email us every month.

We don’t even bother reporting this to the authorities, because they either will crumple up our complaint and throw it in the trash, or worse, use the opportunity to try and run an angle on our journalists.

Yet, Jews – 2% of the population – who fake the vast majority of hate crimes they complain about, feel entitled to special privileges from none other than the President of the United States.

But Trump’s not Clinton – he told them to their face that he didn’t want their money and Jews didn’t give it to him.

Even if there was any truth to this “hate crime wave” against Jews, what reason does he have to give special rights and waste coveted, overstretched federal resources on some property vandalism and crank calls instead of fighting real crime?

Washington Post:

The gravesites of more than 170 Jews were vandalized at a cemetery in University City, Mo., sometime over the weekend.

And on Monday, the Anti-Defamation League reported a wave of bomb threats directed against Jewish Community Centers in multiple states, the fourth series of such threats since the beginning of the year, it said, a development that elicited comments from a White House spokesman and Ivanka Trump, neither of which used the phrase “anti-Semitism.”

There were no words at all from President Trump himself.

That prompted the head of the Anti-Defamation League, to praise Ivanka Trump and call on the president to follow her lead.

The weekend’s events, coming in the wake of last week’s public exchanges with Trump, served to heat up a long-simmering tension between some leaders of the nation’s Jewish community and the Trump White House.

The perpetrators of the cemetery vandalism and their motives were not yet established. Police in University City, an inner-ring suburb of St. Louis, were just launching an investigation, reviewing video surveillance at the cemetery, operated on a not-for-profit basis by The Chesed Shel Emeth Society and calling on anyone with information to come forward.

It’s obvious that this isn’t about some 100 year old gravestones being tipped over, this is about bending Trump to the Jewish will through media onslaught.

As I write this, there are 36 national and local media outlets on Google News carrying this non-story about some tombstones being knocked over in the last 10 hours alone. They’re not even getting started.

That’s not even counting the 100’s of media stories about the alleged wave of “bomb threats” Jewish institutions are receiving from the past week. Nobody’s been caught, and nobody will be caught until they goad Congress into passing some new tax-payer “security” giveaway or get Trump to give a three hour symposium on Holocaustology.

All of them follow the same pre-written format: There’s a brand new Holocaust happening across America, why isn’t Donald Trump starting a war against “Anti-Semitism” and using the federal government to shut down First Amendment protected political criticism of Jewish influence?

Haaretz covered my prediction that the mass media would turn the Jew who asked Trump about anti-Semitism into a heroic victim of hate and have him do the media rounds. They have surprisingly gone out of their way not to do that. Is organized Jewry onto the fact that the free press is onto them?

Their new strategy is a mass media Blitzkrieg of how Donald Trump is causing “rising anti-Semitism” by not making Jews front and center and going out of his way to censor their critics. The real problems our country is facing don’t even factor into the agenda of the state within the state.

They should learn some humility. Their narratives don’t hold up to the light now that we can challenge them, and that’s nobody’s fault but their own.

If Jews genuinely fear rising anti-Semitism, it’s time they start looking inwards rather than outwards. I won’t hold my breath.