Peru: Mob Kills Canadian Terrorist Who Murdered Their Magical Witch Doctor

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2018

The eternal leaf strikes again, this time murdering some old voodoo shaman in Peru.

At least this time, the Canuck was forced to pay for his crime.

I guess there’s a first time for everything.

Fox News:

Peruvian authorities say a Canadian who traveled to Peru to study hallucinogenic medicine was killed by a mob in the Amazon rain forest after people blamed him for the slaying of an elderly shaman.

Peru’s attorney general’s office said Sunday that Sebastian Woodroffe was dragged by the neck shortly after the killing of Olivia Arevalo, an octogenarian plant healer from the Shipibo-Konibo tribe of northeastern Peru.

Arevalo and Woodroffe were both killed Thursday in the indigenous community of Victoria Gracia. But police did not begin to investigate until a cellphone video appeared in local media showing a man purported to be Woodroffe begging for mercy while being dragged between thatch-roofed homes.

Now the police are backing down, saying maybe the Canadian didn’t do it.

Well then – who did?


This sounds to me like exactly the kind of thing a Canadian would do.

The only Canadian I know of who wouldn’t do something like this is Keanu Reeves – and he’s Chinese for cryin out loud.

Canada, the world has had enough.

Your reign of terror is coming to an end.