Pervert Jew Runs Around Paris With a Rooster Tied to His Penis

Steven Cohen prances around Trocadero Square with a rooster tied to his member, gets arrested

Cnaan Liphshiz
Times of Israel
September 18, 2013


On warm September mornings, Trocadero Square in Paris attracts hordes of tourists with its promise of sun and a view to the Eiffel Tower. But Gustave Eiffel’s “Iron Lady” was utterly eclipsed Tuesday morning by Steven Cohen, a Jewish modern dance artist from South Africa who showed up at the square wearing only a girdle and 8-inch heels and toting a live rooster tied with a leash to his penis. (Click here for a photo you won’t soon forget.)

A few minutes — and countless camera clicks — later, police arrested Cohen, 51, for indecent exposure. He was released that evening but will have to explain his actions to a judge later this year.

Cohen’s lawyer told the daily Metro that Cohen “wanted to express his personal situation, in which he divides his life between two countries, his native South Africa and France, where he currently lives,” adding: “His arrest is disgraceful: France is silencing its artists.”

The lawyer did not say how the bird helped illustrate Cohen’s situation or whether he was referencing the Jewish custom of using a chicken to atone for past sins ahead of Yom Kippur. Metro did say, however, that the rooster’s name was Frank.

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