Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2015
A petition has been put up on asking Nickelodeon to stop marketing cuckold fetishism, as well as other forms of sexual fetishism (foot fetishism, for example) to children.
The petition reads:
Bella and The Bulldogs, Nickelodeon’s top rated kids show, was co-created by Jonathan C. Butler. Butler’s previous work was a softcore porn film called The Cuckold, about a sadomasochistic sex fetish in which a white husband (the “cuckold”) watches while his wife has sex with a black man (the “bull”). Shockingly, Butler’s Nickelodeon show is filled with themes, symbols, and references drawn directly from the cuckold fetish.
After being hired by Nickelodeon, Butler joked on Facebook about turning “Nick” into the “Kinc” network, posting a photo of himself posing in front of a giant Nickelodeon logo with the letters rearranged and suggesting titles for sex fetish-inspired kids shows. Joking about such a thing would have been inappropriate enough for a Nickelodeon employee but Butler went on to do exactly what he joked about doing.
When word started to spread about Bella and The Bulldogs’ cuckold fetish influence, Butler shut down his Mythological Beast production company website and altered The Cuckold’s summary on IMDB (Internet Movie Database) to make it sound more innocuous, removing references to a sexual race war and “primal vengeance”. Butler also shut down his Facebook page, but not before his comments about the “Kinc network” and his porn favorites were screen captured.
The interracial cuckold fetish is firmly based in the degradation of all parties involved. The white male is humiliated and denied gratification while the black male is objectified and dehumanized as an animal. The woman degrades herself by having adulterous sex with an “animal”. References to such an abusive and psychologically violent fetish clearly have no place in a children’s show.
We demand that Nickelodeon remove Bella and The Bulldogs from their lineup, fire Jonathan C. Butler, and offer an apology to the public for subjecting children to Butler’s sexual kink.
This could well lead to media coverage if we can get enough signatures.

Right now, the Jew media is completely refusing to cover it. Point blank. However, if some media outlet is unaware of the blackout and accidentally covers it without knowing they aren’t supposed to, the others will also have to cover it because then it will be a major story. It definitely has all the elements of a major story – sexual themes, race and the abuse of children.
Please sign this and pass it around to your friends.
Also, continue to add a “controversy” section to the Wikipedia page for the show.