Philippines: Anti-American Authoritarian Populist Duterte Set to Win Presidency

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2016


Dude wore this shirt on election day: bro.

As nutty as it seems, an authoritarian populist candidate with serious anti-American views, Rudy Duterte, is set to win the Presidency of the Philippines.


Outspoken mayor Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte is well ahead in the Philippine election, with three-quarters of votes counted, an official monitor says.

The PPCRV monitor said the Davao mayor had more than 12.6m of the votes so far counted – about 39%. He only needs the most votes to win.

Mr Duterte has been the long-time frontrunner in a campaign driven by the economy, inequality and corruption.

Voting was extended for an hour in some areas after glitches with vote-counting machines.

More than 100,000 police officers were on duty amid violence ahead of the election.

This is a hardcore sonovabitch, this guy.

In Davao, where he ruled for decades (switching off the Mayorship to his daughter to avoid term limits), he ran death-squads that would drive-by on motorcycles and gun down drug-dealer – sometimes just drug users – when they were released from jail.

He of course never admitted that he was behind it, but when asked he would say “No, I didn’t do it, but I salute the brave men who did it.”


He was deeply loved by the people of the city for cleaning the place up, making it the only city in the country (one of the only cities in the world, really) where you could stagger drunk through a dark ally at 4 AM without getting mugged.

His proposed foreign policy is the hot topic of the now, however. He is talking about totally cutting ties with the US, something which he would actually probably do. Or try to do.

He has also said he doesn’t even care about these disputed islands that China wants – a conflict with the current ZOG government of the Flips that has led to a massive US military build-up in the region – and wants to strengthen ties with China as he drops the US.

He’s actually like, an awesome troll.

They’re calling him “The Filipino Donald Trump,” which, while a little bit too easy perhaps, is pretty accurate.


Trash-talking Philippine presidential favorite Rodrigo Duterte has warned he is prepared to cut diplomatic ties with the United States and Australia after their ambassadors criticized his joke about the jailhouse rape of a missionary.

Duterte also told the ambassadors to “shut their mouths,” as controversy continued to rage over his comments in which he said he wanted to have been the first to rape the Australian woman who was brutalized and murdered in a 1989 prison riot.

“If I become president, go ahead and sever it (diplomatic ties),” Duterte, 71, said on the campaign trial on Wednesday night, April 20, referring to the relationships with the United States and Australia, two of the Philippines’ closest allies.

Duterte, who while campaigning has called Pope Francis a “son of a bitch” for causing traffic jams in Manila when he visited in January 2015, and promised to kill thousands of criminals, recounted at a recent rally the riot events as part of his tough-on-crime pitch to voters.

“They raped all of the women… there was this Australian lay minister… when they took them out… I saw her face and I thought, ‘Son of a bitch. What a pity… they raped her, they all lined up,” he told the crowd.

“I was mad she was raped but she was so beautiful. I thought, the mayor should have been first.”

Duterte was at the time mayor of Davao, a major city in the southern Philippines where he is accused of running vigilante death squads that have allegedly killed more than 1,000 people.

The poll front-runner has at times on the campaign boasted about running the death squads, claiming they killed 1,700 people, but also denied any links to them.

Duterte has similarly offered varying responses to the rape comments, with his media team releasing a statement in which he apologized. But on the campaign trail, he has repeatedly told reporters he would not apologize.

Australian ambassador Amanda Gorely criticized his remarks saying in a statement on Twitter: “Rape and murder should never be joked about or trivialised. Violence against women and girls is unacceptable anytime, anywhere.”

US ambassador Philip Goldberg later agreed with her, saying in a television interview that “statements by anyone, anywhere that either degrade women or trivialise issues so serious as rape or murder are not ones that we condone.”

In reaction, Duterte said, “It would do well with the American ambassador and the Australian ambassador to shut their mouths.”

Days before, the mayor had already told off the Australian government following Gorely’s statement.

A US embassy spokesman told Agence France-Presse Thursday there was no immediate response to Duterte’s remarks about the ambassadors. An Australian embassy spokeswoman said there would be no comment.

Meanwhile, in another warning to the country’s traditional allies, Duterte’s camp signaled it was prepared to start direct talks with China over a long-running territorial dispute.

Aquino has been improving defense ties with the US and Australia to bolster the Philippines in its dispute with China over the South China Sea.

China claims most of the sea, even up to the coasts of its neighbors like the Philippines which has accused China of “bullying” other claimants.

However, Duterte spokesman Peter Lavina said in an interview with ABS-CBN on Thursday that he would be prepared to talk directly with China.

Two important things going on here, that go beyond the politics of some irrelevant third world country:

  1. The US/West is totally losing it’s grip on global power as all of its systems break down. Rigging an election in the Philippines isn’t exactly complicated. And yet, they don’t appear to have done that.
  2. The whole world is going shitlord. It’s just in the air. The age has shifted. Maybe it has something to do with cosmic fields or whatever.

Overall: It’s a pretty cool happening.
