Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2014

With the US ramping up military cooperation with the Philippines, using the poverty stricken nation as a puppet in their ongoing struggle against Chinese sovereignty, troubles involving personnel were bound to come about. Because the Philippines is the sort of place where American soldiers get into trouble.
Presently, an as of yet unnamed US Marine is being held in the country after he was named as a suspect in the murder of a tranny hooker he apparently picked up at a disco, the Daily Mail reports.
According to the US Navy Times, he is in the custody of the American military aboard the USS Peleliu in connection with the case, while Filipinos are calling for him to be released to local law enforcement.
The deceased transvestite, 26-year-old Jeffrey Laude, who used the tranny name Jennifer, was found strangled with her face down in the toilet of a hotel bathroom in Olongapo City on Saturday, according to the police report.
“A U.S. Marine has been identified as a possible suspect in the ongoing investigation,” the U.S. Embassy said in a statement. “The United States will continue to fully cooperate with Philippine law enforcement authorities in every aspect of the investigation.”
Transgenderism is highly popular in the Philippines, due in part to the genetically low levels of testosterone, along with a very open culture and the historical occurrence of this strange behavior pattern (which is in itself presumably due to the low testosterone).

If the US Marine is indeed responsible – and more than likely he is just being blamed for it without proof – what probably happened was that the tranny did not tell him she was a tranny and when he witnessed her package, presumably having made out with her first, he went into a rage and strangled her to death. This is a common occurrence in countries where it is culturally acceptable for a tranny to not tell a man she is a tranny. Modern America is moving in that direction now, and this will no doubt result in many dead trannys in our country as well.
“The victim must be given justice. The case must not be swept under the rug, especially because the victim is a transgender.” said Dindi Tan, of the Association of Transgender People in the Philippines, failing to explain why a tranny life is worth more than a non-tranny life.
“I condemn the heinous barbarity behind the hate crime committed on the defenseless transgender woman. We maintain that the US military basing in communities worsens prostitution, trafficking, drugs, and spread of diseases.” said Emmi De Jesus, representative for the Gabriela Women’s Party, basically factually, but failing to mention the amount of cash American soldiers bring to the economy.
Filipinos are not intelligent people, and it is regrettable that they are being used by the Jews in their sickly stupid cold war against China. The death of a tranny, however, is not particularly regrettable.
If the Marine is proved to be responsible for the tranny’s death, I hope he is able to get off on some sort of “had it coming” clause, because I don’t really see how you can blame him for this act of death. Unless he’s Black, then I don’t even care.