Philly: Pack of Youths Surround White Female Cyclist, One Hits Her with a Plastic Shovel

You’ll never guess what happened next!

This woman is lucky that blacks are too lazy to carry around a real shovel.

Those things can do some serious damage.


A woman riding her bike in Philadelphia’s Queen Village neighborhood Thursday said she was assaulted by a teenager wielding a plastic shovel as a weapon.

It happened just before 8 p.m. as the victim, identified as Rachel, was running an errand.

She said she was riding her bike along 5th Street toward Catharine when she encountered a group of teenagers.

One of the teens, she said, was carrying a plastic blue shovel.

A neighbor recorded video through a window of the seconds after the assault occurred.

“He stepped over, swung and hit me, and was standing a few feet away,” Rachel said, describing the attack.

In the video, the teen, with shovel in hand, was surrounded by other boys and girls. Rachel could be seen on the sidewalk standing with her bicycle.

Several cars were seen driving by the scene.

Rachel said one driver came to her defense, prompting a yelling match with the group.

She said one of the girls in the group had something to tell her.

“One of the girls, she did come up and ask me if I was hurt. Not in a nice way, but ‘I hope you’re hurt,'” Rachel said.

Some residents who didn’t want to go on camera said the group had been seen earlier walking in the area, yelling and hitting cars.
