Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2014

In an amazing display of double standards, the UK Government have refused to issue a visa for Swiss-American “pick-up artist” Julien Blanc, with Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone claiming that if he had been allowed in to the country, “I have no doubt that cases of sexual harassment and intimidation would increase.”
It is highly unlikely that Blanc would sexually harass anyone and if somebody else did after listening to him then that would be their fault surely and not his.
The creatures who do regularly sexually harass and even rape women in Britain are the non-White hordes that the government are so desperate to flood the country with.
Not once have any of those barbarians been refused entrance to Britain because they are a risk to our women, yet by far the greatest amount of rapes are carried out by them.

Banning a comedian/dating guru sets a precedent for the UK – previously they had only barred people whose politics they didn’t like from entering the country, under the catch-all phrase of them being a danger to democracy.
But how can you have a democracy when people do not get the chance to hear everyone’s voice?
The UK is not a democracy, it is a Jewish tyranny and the banning of people like Blanc just highlights the fact that we have no free speech in Britain, no matter how much they say that we do.
Personally I have no interest in what Blanc might have to say, but he should be given the chance to say it, especially if there are British people that want to hear it.
Silencing him like this is just bigotry, and clearly shows how fake the entire censorship system is – it isn’t about protecting anything, it is simply about squashing views that are not favored by the ruling minority.