Daily Slave
May 31, 2014

The lies from these filthy Jews seem to be endless. George Soros the billionaire Jew who made his fortune through unethical manipulations of the British Pound has written a new article appearing in the London Guardian entitled “How the EU can save Ukraine”. As expected the article is filled with all sorts of Jewish lies and propaganda about Ukraine and Russia.
Soros is known for financing several non-governmental organizations including the Open Society Institute now known as the Open Society Foundations. The Open Society Foundations and other Soros linked NGOs have been used to promote what they call democracy in areas around the world including Ukraine. Soros has admitted that an organization he founded was playing an important part in the on-going events transpiring in Ukraine during a CNN interview. Below is from the transcript.
ZAKARIA: First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?
SOROS: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.
Democracy as defined by Soros and other Jews like U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has been the financing of violent protesters and other useful idiots to overthrow an elected government. When certain areas of Ukraine opposed the Jewish takeover of their country and voted in referendums to leave Ukraine, all we heard in the Jew run media were conspiracy theories about alleged subversive Russian activity. Soros himself has even helped promote these unproven theories. It is a simple matter of them accusing Russia for what they are actually guilty of. There’s little to no factual basis behind any of their Russian conspiracy claims.
Even worse is the fact that the main choices in Ukraine’s recent election were both Jews. The primary choices included billionaire chocolate manufacturer Petro Poroshenko and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko both of who have an apparent Jewish lineage. Needless to say, Soros mentions none of this in his article.
Despite this, the message from Soros and his Jewish buddies is perfectly clear. Violent protests financed by Jews is democracy. Elections in which the main choices are Jews is democracy. People voting in referendums to separate from a country whose government was taken over by Jews is part of a Russian conspiracy. As one can easily see, their definition of democracy evolves depending upon what is good for Jews.
Soros penning this article appears to have several purposes. The first is to mislead people as to what happened in Ukraine. The second is to give legitimacy to the European Union which the general public is increasingly angry with. The third is to get the gentile population of Europe to agree with an agenda that is good for Jews.
The recent European elections saw a huge rise in support for anti-EU political parties which is becoming a big problem for Jewish interests. Some countries like in Greece and in Hungary are even correctly directing their anger at Jews which is an even bigger concern for Jewish interests. This means there are going to be large segments of the European public who are not going to want any European money funneled into Ukraine. Most European economies are incredibly weak to begin with so it is only natural that they would reject such measures. As insane as this is, Jews like Soros view Russia as a strategic threat that must be neutralized in order for them to establish world control.
Unfortunately the Jewish racial makeup is that of a parasite. Many of these people are incapable of being happy with the amount of power and control that they have no matter how much it is. Jews already have the primary means of control over Hollywood, big banks and the corporate media but even that isn’t enough to satisfy their cravings . Their biological programming means they will continue seeking more power even if it results in their own destruction. The Soros article clearly reflects this mode of thinking.
Soros tries to sell these ridiculous ideas by saying that supporting Ukraine would counterbalance the threat posed by the evil Vladimir Putin in Russia. But what threat does Putin pose exactly? Has Putin invaded and occupied countries without provocation? Is Putin using military forces to kill women and children? He has done no such things unlike the United States which has been engaging in this activity for nearly the entire 21st century. Putin has only reacted to strategic moves made by the Jewish neo-conservative criminals in Washington and their obsession with expanding NATO to the Russian border. Putin has the moral and ethical high ground in this geopolitical struggle and the rest of the world is recognizing this fact.
It is also in Putin’s interest to maintain a good trading relationship with Europe. Russia has gas reserves that Europe needs to keep its economy going. Naturally this relationship is also good for Russia’s economy. There is no reason to believe that Putin wants a return to a greater Soviet empire. His actions show that the opposite is true.
Even more comical is how Soros talks about how Russia is destabilizing Ukraine. As mentioned earlier, Soros has bankrolled NGOs that have literally helped overthrow the lawfully elected Ukraine government. On top of that, there is absolutely no proof of Russia engaging in any secretive operations anywhere close to the level of what was financed by Soros and the U.S. State Department. Soros is engaging in typical retard Jew logic with his statements.
These lies penned by Soros are completely disgusting but even more so considering the lies are coming from someone who helped finance all of this chaos. The Jew even admits that an organization he started has been involved in what’s happening over there. What more proof do you need? This is one evil Jew and the blood of the Ukrainian dead are at least partially on his hands. The fact that he actually had the nerve to write this article is an outrage.