#Pissgate Author to be Investigated by the DoJ

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2018

I have said for a long time that the #Pissgate producers – and financers (Hillary) – could be charged with a crime.

And people were like “no, it isn’t illegal to make something up and publish it and it isn’t illegal to lie to someone” – but that isn’t what these people did. They committed a form of fraud which amounts to espionage by distributing a knowingly falsified intelligence document to the government and then allowing the government to act on the falsified document for a year before it was eventually exposed as having been falsified.

That is not the same thing as “lying.”


Leading members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) have sent a criminal referral to the Department of Justice for former UK spy Christopher Steele.

The former MI6 intelligence officer authored the so-called “Steele Dossier,” commissioned by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS and funded largely by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign through the Democratic National Committee. The dossier alleged ties between then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the Russian government.

Grassley and Graham told the DOJ Friday they had reason to believe Steele lied to US authorities about his contacts with reporters regarding information in the dossier, according to the New York Times. They urged the DOJ to investigate Steele, who has declined to testify before the congressional committees looking into allegations of Trump’s “collusion” with Russia, which appear to be largely based on his dossier.

The cover letter made public by Grassley and Graham is dated Thursday, and refers Steele to the DOJ for “investigation of potential violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1001,” for statements he made “regarding his distribution of information contained” in the dossier. The particular statute refers to knowingly making false or misleading statements to federal authorities.

Steele had “repeated contacts” with FBI counterintelligence officials before and after the elections, according to the Times. The FBI even considered paying the former British spy as a source, but “backed off the idea” after the 35-page document was made public in January 2017.

The dossier paints a picture of a conspiracy between the Russian government and Trump to boost his candidacy and hurt Clinton. It includes allegations of Trump’s corrupt business dealings in Russia and salacious claims of his encounters with prostitutes in Moscow hotels.

Encounters which included pissing, by the way.

This whole thing could come crashing down. Though when I see Lindsay Graham’s name on something, bringing down the system is not the immediate thing that comes to my mind.

But this is a string that could unravel the whole sweater. Hillary funded this document, Comey allegedly believed in it, Mueller was appointed based on Comey’s belief in it.