#Pizzagate Analysis

Butch Leghorn
Poseidon Awoke
November 28, 2016


Note: Be cautious! Do not to take this information and run headlong into conspiracy theory. Allow researchers to do their work. So far, David Seaman, who was fired from Huffington Post for reporting on Hillary’s health, has been vetting this information. He appears to be trustworthy. Make yourself aware of the information, use it to prepare memes and to make the lives of Leftists miserable. Do not run headlong into Illuminati conspiracy, that has been a failing tactic in the past, so we must exercise extreme caution around this topic. However, it has the potential to be an effective weapon, and we may need to apply pressure to the Trump administration to investigate and prosecute. To be clear: We are not advocating violence, or harassment or any form of direct action against any of the businesses or individuals implicated in #PizzaGate.

#PizzaGate is the current investigation into a pedophile ring which involves high-level Washington insiders. The investigation was sparked by WikiLeaks release of John Podesta’s emails, then Hillary’s 2016 campaign head. These emails contained odd messages which appeared to be coded language, similar to how drug dealers refer to various substances and quantities using code words. Some of the key words were: hot dog, pizza, cheese, pasta, and dominos. You can search for these terms yourself on WikiLeaks. Since the discovery of this coded language, researchers have been steadily compiling evidence.

I believe that #PizzaGate is going to be massive. The primary reason I think this is because the stranglehold of FakeNews, Inc., formerly known as the Mainstream Media, has been broken. The tipping point has been reached during the Trump 2016 campaign cycle as FakeNews destroyed their credibility in their desperate attempt to derail the ascension of the God Emperor to the throne. The second reason is because Trump will be president, and we expect him to appoint to cabinet positions, men who are enemies of the current power elite. The Trump election represents a coup d’etat, as one faction of the Deep State struck another faction through the release of information via WikiLeaks. It seems less likely that the information which is being published by WikiLeaks has been obtained by ‘hackers’, and more likely that it has been obtained by personnel in security positions and strategically leaked. I see #PizzaGate as a side-effect of the Podesta email leaks, though I think it will be an unintended consequence which has the power to convulse the political orders of the world. The third reason is that #PizzaGate will provide the moral license that we need to wash the scum off the streets. This information has the potential to inflame the righteous moral indignation of every decent man in America. It is that incendiary.

Global Power Dynamics

Let me take a few moments to contextualize #PizzaGate in terms of global power dynamics.

I view #PizzaGate as a single battle in a massive paradigm shift, which is realigning our our entire world. The Middle Ages was controlled by an alliance of the Aristocracy (Law/Violence) and the Church (Voice/Suggestion). The Renaissance marked the shift of power to control government policy away from Aristocracy and to the Merchants through finance (See Three Estates Theory), and the power of Voice/Suggestion shifting from the Church to the University/Media. The Industrial Revolution saw huge shifts in power from the Aristocracy (violence) to the Merchants (finance), and in the modern era we are controlled almost exclusively through financial means. It is not those with military might who are dubbed the ‘Masters of the Universe‘, it is Wall Street, meaning finance. Globalism/Neo-liberalism/Americanism is the general system of using financial means to control media, markets and politics. This control was cemented in the US with the move to full fiat currency, which allowed those who controlled the issuance of the currency to effectively control all other mechanisms. There is a famous quote, of dubious attribution, which sums up the observation of the shift of power from the Aristocracy (law) to the Merchants (finance): “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”. This quote summarizes the notion that financial power supplanted martial power to control the state. Interestingly, there is a related quote which sums up the current shift of power from Finance to Information: “Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”

We are now seeing power shift from Finance to Information. This is why the Alt-Right is ascendant, because our movement is digital-native. We sing the songs of the nation now, and we care not who makes its laws. This is the essential nature of the Deep State coup d’etat we are currently undergoing, as the control is shifting away from those who control finance and into the hands of those who control information. This is excellent news for the right, because the right thrives on truth, while the left thrives on lies. In the Industrial Era, analog communications technology was relatively expensive which favored centralization (corporations owned radio towers, not individuals), which allowed financial means to control the laws which controlled the corporations. In the Digital Era, communications are cheap, ubiquitous and more importantly, nuclear-bomb-proof-polycentric-multi-node-redundant. The internet treats censorship as damage and routes around it. Now that we can network our brains together and communicate directly, the power of Finance is doomed because it can not longer maintain control of communications through legal action against corporations. Attempts to censor thought by media companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Reddit, etc. are doomed to fail, as the information will route around this damage.

This shift of power from Finance to Information is key to understanding #PizzaGate in the context of world events. If #PizzaGate proves out, then it will show that significant levers of power are controlled through the means of blackmail, and through bonding within cults. It is possible that the Deep State has been actively promoting into positions of power those whom they could control through blackmail. This makes logical sense. I’m not making accusations here. I’m not saying that this is irrefutably the case. I am saying that the leverage obtained through recording criminal behavior is a valuable asset to those attempting to control a regime. We must keep this in mind as a possibility. We must also keep in mind the dynamics of cults, where members pay a high price of entry and become committed to the success of the group, such as gang members committing murder as the price of entry.

The problem for the Globalist elites is that the Digital Age has changed the rules. Now less and less can be kept secret, both at the personal and state level. It has become increasingly difficult to keep back-room deals secret, as WikiLeaks is showing. This is because the Deep State is composed of many competing factions, it is not a monolithic unit of singular purpose. Now those who control information can use their power to supplant those who control finance, and there is a lot of incentive for them to do so. That is the root of the battle that is unfolding before us. FakeNews, Inc. was the creature of Financial power, and they can no longer hide the secrets of the Globalist elites, at exactly that the same time that the populace has lost faith in the credibility of FakeNews, Inc. and we have an anti-establishment president in the White House appointing new heads to the three-letter agencies with the power to prosecute. This is a perfect storm. A confluence of events of incredible magnitude which has the power to reshape the world.

It is heartening that General Flynn, Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor is already aware of and promoting this issue. Take note of this hysterical NYT article noting that our ascendant NSA chief chanted “Lock her up!” and linked to a video titled “Fear of muslims is RATIONAL“. Then there are these tweets:


Smoke and Fire

“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

“When you’re catching flak, you know you’re over the target.”

The Podesta emails were released on WikiLeaks in early November of 2016. This release is commonly attributed to a ‘hack’, but as I’ve stated, it makes more sense that this was a strategic release from an insider. The researchers have been compiling information on the pedophile ring and a few very strange things have happened. This is the smoke that leads me to think there is fire: the attempts by the system to censor and create alternative narratives. Notice this very strange fact about the two articles below, from NYT and WaPo: they are defending a tiny pizza shop. This is very odd in itself, the way these two papers are actively attempting to create a narrative around a single pizza shop owner. Why is James Alefantis so important to them?

New York Times Article

November 21, 2016

NYT publishes an article about ‘fake’ news, claiming flatly that all the accusations against James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong are false. The funny thing is: Cecilia Kang (also mentioned in the Podesta emails) doesn’t debunk any of the information, but she does say ‘fake’ 15 times. David Seaman has the best video take. So, laying the credibility of the NYT on the line to defend a single pizza shop owner, and not actually providing any empirical counter-evidence? This is very strange behavior.

Snopes Article

November 21, 2016

Snopes joins NYT to stridently defend a single pizza shop owner.

Reddit banned the PizzaGate thread

November 22, 2016

There were many active researchers on the topic and Reddit banned it, stating that they didn’t want ‘witchhunts’. In a related note, there are at least two active reddits for the discussion of pedophilia, by pedophiles. Even though the main reddit is gone, for now there is PizzaGateMemes still active. It appears that Voat.co/v/PizzaGate is the alternative to this censorship.


Washington Post Article

November 24, 2016

WaPo published an article decrying ‘fake’ news. This article also displays a striking lack of logical rebuttal to any of the information, relying instead on blanket denial. Once again, David Seaman has the best video take.

These 4 items, within quick succession of each other, all in defense of a single pizza shop owner were enough smoke to pique my interest that there may be fire.

The Details

The details are still emerging. They involve many images from Instagram and tweets and there are already a number of interesting videos. You can keep up with them at Voat.co/v/PizzaGate. There are already a number of YouTube accounts doing excellent work documenting the findings. I recommend you follow these accounts and watch and like their videos: David Seaman, Titus Frost: One, Two, Three, Reality Calls: One. That should be plenty to get you started.

The Fire

I may be wrong, but I think that #PizzaGate has the potential to inflame the populace for Globalist blood. I think that FakeNews, Inc. has totally lost control of the narrative. This pedophile ring story may be the rope with which we hang the globalists. We may be able to literally execute them over this. They are guilty of so many crimes that are equally or even more monstrous, but this may be the smoking gun that we need to actually spill their blood. I see this as an excellent club with which to beat the Left. There are memes galore. We can shower them in mockery and make their lives miserable until they reach their bitter ends.

A word of caution here: we do not want to become conspiracy theorists. We want to be informed and we want to prosecute crimes. This information is incendiary. Much of the evidence is rather circumstantial. If we can get an actual investigation, then it may bear fruit. I think the goal should be to investigate and spread awareness of the possibility, but not to become an Alt-Right Conspiracy Squad. This touches a topic which has been poisonous to credibility in the past: the Illuminati. We must exercise caution not to lose credibility by spreading baseless rumors. The status quo is already attempting to frame this as baseless ‘fake news’ and online bullying of a totally normal pizza shop. Our job should be to terrorize the Left with the parts of this that we can corroborate and to put pressure on the system to bring investigation and prosecution.