Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2015

Even while the entire world is aware of the fact that gigantic Ferguson teenager Michael Brown had just robbed a Paki store when he attacked a cop and tried to get his gun before being shot dead, millions of people think it is okay to still keep talking about what a victim he was.
Now they have put up a permanent memorial to him to replace the pile of trash in the middle of the road that had previously served as a memorial to the violent Black victim of racism.

A plaque and metallic likeness of a dove have been installed in Michael Brown’s memory near the spot where the unarmed, black 18-year-old was shot and killed last summer by a white Ferguson police officer.
Crews installed the plaque and dove Thursday hundreds of feet apart on a sidewalk in Ferguson, Missouri, one day after the mid-street memorial for Brown was cleared. Wednesday would have been Brown’s 19th birthday.
The makeshift memorial had cropped up within hours of Brown’s death and became what many saw as a symbol of a new civil rights movement over race and policing.
The next step, obviously, is for the cigar thief to be given a statue in Washington, DC.
But don’t expect that level of justice in racist America.
Michael Brown memorials have had a lot of trouble in the past, with the first one being burned down:
And the memorial tree being chopped:
Let’s hope this one fares better, because Americans truly do need to be forever reminded that a White man has no right to fight back if a violent Black attacks them and tries to get their gun and kill them with it.