Plans for THE WALL Revealed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2017

I’m not trying to be 100% negative about Trump.

If he actually fulfills any of his promises, I don’t have any problem giving him credit for it.

There are now designs being released for a wall.

Although to be quite honest, if we’re going to have a war with Russia, it is probably better we don’t have a wall so we can try to escape the nukes raining down on us.

Nah okay.

Let’s just try to be happy about this.

The Sun:

The designs for Donald Trump’s planned US border wall with Mexico have finally been revealed.

Among them are proposals for bombproof concrete, tunnelling alarms and even storage for nuclear waste.

Companies were invited to submit their proposed designs for the controversial barrier, which the president has said will span all the way from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific.

One bidder wants to cover the wall with solar panels, while another wants to make a barrier big enough for a deck offering tourists scenic views of the desert.

The deadline for bids passed yesterday with the federal government expected to announce which companies will be hired to build prototypes around June 1.

Designs must be able to repel pickaxes and sledgehammers for at least an hour and be nice to look at – at least from the north side.

Trump’s multibillion-dollar plan promises potentially colossal profits – but also risks inviting a backlash from people who oppose the project.

But that didn’t stop companies from releasing their plans – revealing a range of ideas from the practical to the whimsical.

Concrete Contractors Interstate proposed a polished concrete wall augmented with stones and artefacts that are tailored to different sections of the 2,000-mile border.

Russ Baumgartner, CEO of the San Diego-based company, said: “The idea is to make the wall a piece of art.”

Yes, a piece of art sounds good.

As long as it is bomb-proof.

Gleason Partners LLC of Las Vegas said its solar panels would generate two megawatts of electricity an hour.

Gleason Managing Partner Thomas Gleason said: “For the younger generation, they say if there is going to be a wall, let’s have it be green.”

Solar panels seem sort of meh.

Who cares?

The other specifications like preventing people tunnelling under the wall will eliminate some designs immediately.

DarkPulse Technologies of Scottsdale, Arizona, proposes a concrete wall that can withstand tampering or attacks of any kind.

Company founder Dennis O’Leary said: “You could fire a tank round at it and it will take the impact.”

Fibre sensors would be embedded in the concrete to immediately alert officials to any attempts to tunnel under the wall.


And it would be coated with a slick coating that would prevent climbing.

Clayton Industries of Pittsburgh proposes storing nuclear waste along the wall in trenches that are at least 100ft deep.

Under this proposal, cash already collected by the US Department of Energy from people who benefit from nuclear power would help pay for the wall.

The bid includes an option for hardware to convert the nuclear waste to energy.


The winning company must also have done border security or similar projects worth $25million (£20million) or more in the past five years.

Bidders were also asked to submit security plans and demonstrate experience “executing high-profile, high-visibility and politically contentious” projects.

A US official with knowledge of the plans – speaking on condition of anonymity because the details have not been made public – said four to ten bidders are expected to be chosen to build prototypes costing $200,000-500,000 (£160,000-£400,000) each.

The prototypes will be constructed on a quarter-mile strip of government land within 120ft of the border – though the precise spot has yet to be confirmed, the official said.

An “interested vendors list” on a government website for contractors lists more than 200 companies.

Okay, so, I’m still skeptical.

But if this happens, it will indeed be great.

I think it’s very possible, however, that the Congress will refuse to fund it and then Trump will be all like “ah well, I tried, but there’s nothing I can do…”

But the further along the project goes, the more likely it seems that it will become a reality.

And of course, if he abandons every other promise – as we appear to be witnessing – doing the wall would be throwing the base a bone.

Of course, the wall won’t matter if we don’t have mass deporations, and if we don’t end the visa systems and legal immigration systems which are allowing the bulk of these animals to flood us.

But hey – let’s not be total pessimists. That’s not going to help anything.

Realism is the key here.