Poland Cucks Out! Warsaw Mayor BANS Nationalist Independence Day March

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2018

As someone who has participated in the Warsaw march, this news hits home for me.

It was an incredible experience.

But now it is being banned. 

And here’s the thing: it is first and foremost an Independence Day march. What kind of message is Poland sending the world when it doesn’t even allow a march celebrating its independence?

The Guardian:

Warsaw’s mayor has banned a nationalist march planned for Sunday to mark the centenary of Polish independence, citing the risk of violence and expressions of hatred.

A rally is held annually in the capital on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of Poland’s independence at the end of the first world war, but last year’s event was marked by confrontations with counter-protesters.

I wasn’t aware of this. I didn’t see anything but a few minor shouting matches and a Swedish cat lady getting her flag stolen. This was because the lefties stayed at home – they were overwhelmed by the 90k people who showed up. Besides, like most Eastern European nationalists, the Poles saved their fists for other right-wing groups who they disagreed with on some minor point or other.

I saw the Black Bloc (WNs, not Antifa) get into scuffles with older Poles wearing red and white armbands like this:

The “Warsaw Uprising” Poles didn’t like the German symbology of the WNs and attacked the tortoise formation of the Black Bloc, but got repelled.

Also, I saw various soccer hooligans in masks pummeling each other for no apparent reason.

But that’s just typical Eastern European shenanigans, and hardly political. They didn’t even attack the police. So I’m calling Fake News on that claim.

“Warsaw has already suffered enough due to aggressive nationalism,” the mayor, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, said. “Poland’s 100th anniversary of independence shouldn’t look like this, hence my decision to forbid it.”

Yeah, from German nationalism and Communist internationalism, not from Polish nationalism, you dumb bitch.

My god, the statements that these politicians get away with. It is simply jaw-dropping how much stupidity they are allowed to spew. We’re used to it in the West, I guess, but the surprise here is that it’s coming from Poland??

What happened to Poland Stronk???

This bitch mayor happened

Actually, this does make a lot of sense. 

I kept my mouth shut about it at the time, but Warsaw had a lot of diversity and a shit-load of neoliberal type bitches and fag men. I’m talking about the Poles here. In fact, most of the people who came for the march came from the countryside or from other, smaller towns or the far-flung commie blocks on the edge of town.

The actual Warsaw residents seemed like they could barely contain their disdain for the marchers.

But to outright ban the march?

It would be like banning 4th of July celebrations in America, because far-right groups choose to celebrate it as well.

Too fascistic! 

In fact, now I know what the liberals and the Jews plan to do next for America. They’ll find a right-wing group that decides to hold a BBQ and a kegger on the 4th of July and simply ban independence day parades and marches using them as a pretext.

Calling it right now.

I’m just shocked that I didn’t predict it earlier. This news coming out of Poland is a real eye-opener, I suppose.