Poland Requests Extradition of Alleged Minnesota Nazi

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 13, 2017

Somehow, the Poles have the nerve to request an extradition from the US while they are harboring the filthy Jew pervert Roman Polanski who raped an American GOYIM 13-year-old both vaginally and anally.

What did this alleged Nazi do?

Poland is run by Jews and it’s disgusting.

Star Tribune:

Poland will seek the arrest and extradition of a Minnesota man exposed by The Associated Press as a former commander in an SS-led unit that burned Polish villages and killed civilians in World War II, prosecutors said Monday.

Prosecutor Robert Janicki said evidence gathered over years of investigation into U.S. citizen Michael K. confirmed “100 percent” that he was a commander of a unit in the SS-led Ukrainian Self Defense Legion.

He did not release the last name, in line with Poland’s privacy laws, but the AP has identified the man as 98-year-old Michael Karkoc, from Minneapolis.

“All the pieces of evidence interwoven together allow us to say the person who lives in the U.S. is Michael K., who commanded the Ukrainian Self Defense Legion which carried out the pacification of Polish villages in the Lublin region,” Janicki said.

The decision in Poland comes four years after the AP published a story establishing that Michael Karkoc commanded the unit, based on wartime documents, testimony from other members of the unit and Karkoc’s own Ukrainian-language memoir.

Filthy kike media.

Karkoc’s family has repeatedly denied he was involved in any war crimes and his son questioned the validity of the evidence against him after Poland’s announcement, calling the accusations “scandalous and baseless slanders.”

“There’s nothing in the historical record that indicates my father had any role whatsoever in any type of war crime activity,” said Andriy Karkoc.

He questioned the Polish investigation, saying “my father’s identity has never been in question nor has it ever been hidden.”

In Poland, prosecutor Andrzej Pozorski said Karkoc would be given a full opportunity to tell his story.

“This person has not been questioned in the capacity of a suspect so it is hard to react to his explanations, because we don’t know them,” said Pozorski who heads the investigative team at a state institute.

Prosecutors with the National Remembrance Institute, which investigates Nazi and Communist-era crimes against Poles, have asked a court in Lublin to issue an arrest warrant for Karkoc. If granted, Poland would seek his extradition, as Poland does not allow trial in absentia, Janicki said.

He added the man’s age was no obstacle in seeking to bring him before justice.

“He is our suspect as of today,” Janicki said.

If convicted of ordering the killing of civilians in 1944, Karkoc could face life in prison.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Minnesota declined to comment on the case.

Efraim Zuroff, the head Nazi hunter for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, applauded the decision as an important signal even at this late stage.

“Any legal step that’s taken against these people is very important,” he said by telephone from Jerusalem. “It sends a very powerful message, and these kinds of things should not be abandoned just because of the age of a suspect.”

Pozorski, in Warsaw, shared this view.

“This case shows that there is still a possibility, a chance to bring those responsible before a court and I think we should never give up the chance of exercising justice.”

Sickening, filthy, evil Jews.

Trump should tell these people: “give us Polanski, and we’ll talk.”

Obviously, he shouldn’t be given to these Jews either way, but the Pole Jews won’t give Polanski anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Then we can have a public discussion about how we fund a war machine of aggression for these Poles while they’re protecting a Jew who brutally raped one of our girls and never faced justice.