Poland: Thousands Join Massive Anti-Invasion Rally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 27, 2015

gtfo, Haji.
gtfo, Haji.

Once again, post-communists lead the way.


A massive rally against pro-migrant government policies and what has been dubbed the “Islamic flooding” of the country took place in the southwestern Polish city of Katowice. Over 25,000 people were expected to take to streets in a protest against an influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, according to reports in local media ahead of the rally.

The demonstration, organized by a nationalist organization called All Polish Youth, comes after a decision by Poland’s authorities to accept some 2,000 refugees from Syria and North Africa by 2017.

“All Polish Youth expresses its strong opposition to the actions taken by the Polish government since it blindly does everything Brussels and Berlin say,” Michał Nowak, representative of All Polish Youth, said.

Polish media do not cover the situation accurately, saying that the majority of refugees, who are actually economic migrants, are women and children. In fact, 75% of those people are young men, according to the UN statistics,” he declared.

We’ve got one that can see!

The protesters who walked down the streets carrying Polish flags and placards reading “Poland is for us” or “No to extremism,” condemned the situation and blamed the government for turning their backs on the needs of Polish people.

Przemyslaw Wipler and Janusz Korwin-Mikke, members of the liberal Polish political party Coalition of Polish Republic’s Renewal Freedom and Hope (KORWiN), were also among the protesters.

They started off with their own smaller group of protesters that soon merged with the much larger All Polish Youth group.

Korwin-Mikke, who is the chairman of KORWiN, compared Europe to a rotting tree and refugees to parasites at a party convention on Saturday.

“The parasites are not to blame, however, the trees are actually at fault,” said the politician.

And who rotted this tree, I wonder?

Just say what you think, Poland. Seriously, no need to hold back.
Just say what you think, Poland. Seriously, no need to hold back.

Amazing that Germany is talking 800,000 (really over a million and a half, maybe even two million), and they can’t arrange a protest this big, which is only against 2,000 of the monkeys.