Poland’s Fertility Rate Now the Lowest in Europe

When you ally with the Americans, they totally flood your country with massive social engineering programs. They launch massive media operations to appeal to the youth, they do “education initiatives,” they bring people to America to be trained on how to push a social agenda at home.

This happens in every country allied with America.

With friends like America, who needs enemies?


Poland’s ongoing demographic collapse continues, with the once conservative Catholic country featuring high birth rates, now a land increasingly of childless women and men

Only Spain is a match for Poland, according to data from Birth Gauge, a website that tracks demographic trends around the world. In fact, things have never been this bad in Poland.

The data was shared by Andrzej Kubisiak, deputy director of the Polish Economic Institute, in an X post.

“The total birth rate for Poland in 2024 may be the lowest in the whole of Europe (ex aequo with Spain) and amount to 1.12 This is the worst result in our modern history,” wrote Kubisiak.

The rate of 1.12 for Poland indicates a birth rate of 1.12 children per woman. The rate needed to replace the population is 2.1.

In the 1980s, the same indicator exceeded 2, and just after World War II, it was higher than 3.

Among European countries, the highest fertility rate was recorded in Montenegro (1.79). Rates above 1.5 can be found in France, Iceland and some Balkan countries.

Well, we know why France is on the list. None of the rest of those countries are allied with the West so aggressively.

Many women in Poland think this isn’t low enough