Poles Attack US Plastic Surgery Ambassador for Tweeting Them a Happy Passover on Good Friday

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2019

All of Donald Trump’s ambassadors are ambassadors to the Jewish population of whatever country they are ostensibly ambassadoring to.


The US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher has wished Jews a happy Passover in Polish – then faced a backlash from Twitter users wondering if she might have forgotten that Poland is a Catholic-majority country.

The ambassador took to Twitter to wish Jews happy holidays on Friday, just as the Passover celebrations, marking the escape from Egypt, had begun. This year, Passover overlaps with the Holy Week observance by Roman Catholics – and the beginning of the Jewish holiday coincided with Christianity’s Good Friday – the day when Jesus Christ was crucified.

So you have a kind of double-meaning here, where when you wish Jews a happy passover, you are also helping Jews to celebrate the murder of Christ.

The Jews know that. And they relish in it.

While Mosbacher followed her Passover post with a re-tweet of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s post on Good Friday, it did not save her from an angry backlash from Polish-speaking users. A legislator with the ruling right-wing Law and Justice party, Krystyna Pawlowicz, was among those outraged, calling Mosbacher’s tweet a “provocation.”  Some wondered if Mosbacher thought she was actually an ambassador to Israel.


I don’t know if the plastic surgery monster Mosbacher is Jewish, but she might as well be.

She was previously involved in a scandal wherein she blamed Poles for the alleged “Holocaust,” which is a new meme that the Jews invented a few years ago.

After the backlash – and having skipped any Good Friday tweet – Mosbacher did tweet Easter greetings to Poland.

However, the tweet did not contain any Christian symbols, instead featuring rabbit eggs.

That reads:

Dear Polish friends, on the occasion of Easter, I wish you cheerful and happy moments spent at a shared table with your loved ones. All the best!

No picture of a cross, no mention of Christ or his resurrection.

Much different than the Passover tweet, which featured Jewish religious symbols and praised them for escaping Egypt.

Once again we see that the world over, this tiny minority of very wealthy, very powerful people gets special treatment in every situation – even something so seemingly benign as holiday wishes on Twitter.