Police Commissioner to be Lynched for Calling F*cking Nigger President a F*cking Nigger

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2014

Copeland: The fact that he called Obama the same thing most Americans privately refer to him as doesn't make him a hero, but the fact that he won't apologize does.
Robert Copeland: The fact that he called Obama the same thing most Americans privately refer to him as doesn’t make him a hero, but the fact that he won’t apologize does.

Robert Copeland, a New Hampshire police commissioner who accurately described the black President Barack Obama as a “fucking nigger,” is in the process of being lynched by a bunch of faggy crybabies.

I won’t say he is a hero for saying it, but he is a hero for refusing to apologize.

Politicians in the town, eager to feast upon the corpse of an honest man, have called for his resignation.


Wolfeboro Town Manager David Owen posted a message Friday on the town’s website calling on Robert Copeland to resign the post to which he was re-elected in March. In the post, Owen said Copeland’s comments are “appalling” and called on him to save the town further embarrassment.

State and local officials say they’ve gotten complaints from as far away as California from people upset about the comments, some of whom have threatened to cancel vacations to New Hampshire. Wolfeboro is a predominantly white resort town of 6,300 on the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee.

The vice chairwoman of the town’s Board of Selectmen also pushed Copeland to step down.

“I know there are people trying to convince him to resign, but he seems entrenched in his position,” said Sarah Silk. “He could stop this runaway train.”

More than 100 residents packed a Police Commission meeting Thursday to demand the resignation of Copeland, 82.

A resident said she overheard Copeland use a slur a restaurant in March and wrote to the town manager. Copeland, in an email to her, acknowledged using the slur in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.

“I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse,” Copeland said in an email to his fellow police commissioners. “For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”

Please note that this was an under-the-breath muttering, which he openly admitted to when asked. Barack Obama, who quite clearly is a fucking nigger, is responsible for the deaths of millions in his insane wars, is responsible for selling faggotry to the children of this country, is responsible for legalizing new and sicker forms of child-murder, he signed laws allowing him to murder American citizens, he put a Monsanto executive at the head of the FDA, he passed this insane scam healthcare bill, and the dumb fatherless bastard is now attempting to provoke a world war with Russia.

Please, explain to me how he is not a “fucking nigger”?

All Copeland said was what the vast majority of White Americans are saying under their breath: Barack Obama is a dumb fucking nigger. Period.

We claim to have freedom of speech in this country, while the Jew Sterling is being railroaded for a private conversation and this poor commissioner is being forced out for stating the obvious under his breath.

What good is freedom of speech if saying certain things destroys your life?

A nigger is a nigger is a nigger is a nigger.
A nigger is a nigger is a nigger is a nigger.