Police Failed to Identify Risk of Black Boyfriend Murdering White Woman

Daily Mail
June 10, 2015

Jacqueline Oakes was finally battered to death by her pet in January 2014.

The police watchdog is investigating how the West Midlands force responded to 19 incidents concerning a mother-of-four and the man later convicted of murdering her.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is looking into a string of offences allegedly committed by Marcus Musgrove on Jacqueline Oakes, 51, before he finally battered her to death in January last year.

It said Musgrove was accused of attacking and stealing from Miss Oakes, among other crimes, over a nine-month period from April 2013.

IPCC Commissioner Derrick Campbell said: ‘Our investigation is looking into how police handled the incidents and whether they identified and managed correctly risks to Jacqueline Oakes as a vulnerable woman.’

Marcus Musgrove killed his victim and then spent the night in her flat as he had missed the last bus home.

Musgrove was jailed for life, and ordered to serve at least 18 years, after he was unanimously convicted of murder at Birmingham Crown Court last July.

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