Police Investigating 54 Separate Pakistani Rape Gangs

January 8, 2014

As usual instead of calling for deportation as a solution, there will be more infiltration and surveillance instead, which means sitting back and allowing the crimes to happen, while gathering intelligence on the criminals.

Police are investigating 54 alleged gangs in a crackdown on child grooming in England and Wales, peers have heard.

The figure was cited by former Labour Attorney General Lord Morris of Aberavon at question time in the Lords.

He said inquiries involved 27 police forces as he urged greater co-operation between agencies after the convictions of a sex abuse ring in the Oxford area.

Home Office minister Lord Taylor of Holbeach said the problem was a focus for the government.

Seven men are awaiting sentencing at the Old Bailey for their roles in the Oxford case which followed trials dealing with similar gangs in Telford and Rochdale last year, and in Derby in November 2010.

While those cases involved mainly defendants of British Pakistani origin and white British female victims, a report from the Children’s Commissioner for England has stated that abusers “come from all ethnic groups and so do their victims”.

Raising the spate of recent convictions, Lord Morris said: “Is it collective amnesia that has blinded us to the underlying circumstances, whereby at least 27 police forces are investigating 54 alleged child grooming gangs?

“Why has investigating and prosecuting in so many different parts of the country taken so much time?

“Is it the fear of racialism, or is it the fact that many of these vulnerable girls come from care homes?”

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