Daily Stormer
July 17, 2015
The history of America is a history of brutal hatred and oppression. Now that the brutal police are told they can’t oppress Blacks or bash gays, they are turning their brutal wrath on innocent zoophiles – that is, people born with a sexual orientation to have sex with animals – and brutally oppressing them with brutality.
The White-controlled right-wing media, of course, supports this campaign of terror against people who can’t help that they were born to want to do sex with horses.
Undercover sheriff’s deputies arrested a Pennsylvania man Friday night on suspicion he traveled to Arizona to have sex with a horse.
Michael Crawford, 68, landed in Phoenix believing he would meet with a horse owner he’d been corresponding with online, according to a statement released by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
Crawford hoped the fictitious owner would allow Crawford to engage in “perverted” sex acts with an animal, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said at a press conference Sunday.
Crawford posted an ad on a popular website soliciting a willing horse owner, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
Investigators in the Animal Crimes Investigations Unit opened the case in October and corresponded with Crawford via email and telephone.
Many exchanges graphically detailed what Crawford intended to do once he arrived in Arizona. In an email released by the Sheriff’s Office, Crawford said he was looking forward to the visit and described his desires.
Crawford arrived late Friday at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, where he was met by deputies. They took Crawford to a trailer furnished by a posse volunteer and located near Southern Avenue and Avondale Boulevard in Tolleson, where Crawford was shown two ponies.
Following the equines’ presentation, Crawford was arrested and booked into Maricopa County Jail on suspicion of a bestiality charge, a Class 6 felony.
Charged with a felony, because of who he chooses to love.
Is this 2015 America, or 1930s Germany I’m living in? First we tell people they don’t have a right to have sex with horses, then what’s next? Jews off to the gas chambers, of course.

We’ve seen this all before, folks. Same story, different age. History repeats itself.
People have a right to love who they want to love!
We had gay lib, now we have trans lib.
The time has come for zoo lib.
Stop the oppression of people whose orientation they are born with because of genetics and their brain drives them to do sex with horses.