Police Release Sketch of Still Wild Negress Who Killed a White Woman

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2017

Sketch of the sheboon.

We have a problem with these wild Blacks.

Maybe we should send them back. Trying to domesticate them was a mistake.


Spokane Police say a woman shot two people at the Westview Manor Apartments on the South Hill Tuesday evening.

The complex manager, Mike Troy, was shot in the head and rushed to the hospital.

The second victim was the complex owner, 59-year-old Danette Kane. She was killed. The family says they’re devastated, losing a loved one in such a tragic way. As for why she was shot? Tonight it remains a mystery.

When officers arrived they found Danette dead in a stairwell and Mike was rushed to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head.

Danette’s brother-in-law Jim Kilmer says she was just trying to help Mike after he was shot. She died just feet away from her apartment.

The night of the shooting, Major Crimes Detectives spent hours on scene, later releasing a composite sketch of the person they’re searching for, describing the shooter as an African American woman between 25 and 35 years old.

Danette Kane.