Police Scotland Wastes Money on Propaganda Campaign to “Eradicate Islamophobia” While Running Massive Budget Deficit

Diversity Macht Frei
February 2, 2017

In October last year, it was reported that Police Scotland was expected to overspend its annual budget by £17.5m. Despite this, it somehow manages to find money for crazy projects designed to eradicate “Islamophobia”.

‘Shared Vision – Your Decision’ is an Edinburgh based initiative which enables local people to decide how public money is spent in eradicating Islamophobia and associated prejudice behaviour.  We understand that Islamophobic behaviour also effects other faith communities and have included projects which also work with these communities. This type of funding allocation is known as Participatory Budgeting.  Police Scotland, the City of Edinburgh Council and The Scottish Government have made a total of £40,000 available as part of their ongoing commitment to addressing Islamophobia across Edinburgh.


Look at the kind of nonsense you can get money for.

All bids had to evidence how the money would be spent eradicating Islamophobia or associated prejudice behaviour in Edinburgh. The projects should aim to foster good relations and/or reduce prejudice. Examples could include:

Putting on an event or a series of events/classes to bring communities together (multi-faith sewing classes/cooking classes/sport activities etc)

Increasing understanding and awareness to address commonly held perceptions and misconceptions of Islam

Raising awareness of religiously aggravated hate crime

Working with hate crime offenders

New and innovative projects and ideas are welcomed.

If you are unsure if your proposal meets the criteria please contact us.

It’s outrageous that governments are propagandising taxpayers with their own money.

Someone should apply for money to run an advertising campaign saying “Muslims – please stop killing non-Muslims”. If they did, I predict Islamophobia would ebb away significantly.