Polish Highway: Disastrous Chocolate Spill Ruins the Driving Road

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2018

I literally had no idea that people were driving around with tankers full of chocolate.

I think probably this is not even a little bit sanitary… how could an entire tanker be sterile? Even with a plastic lining…

But it’s good that that is happening, so that stuff like this can happen.

Nothing funnier than a chocolate spill.

The Independent:

A truck full of liquid chocolate overturned on a motorway in Poland, spilling 12 tonnes of the sweet stuff all over the road.

Traffic was blocked in both directions of the A2 motorway between the towns of Wrzesnia and Slupca in Western Poland, according to the Associated Press. The road also connects the major cities of Poznan and Warsaw. No one was gravely injured as a result of the accident, but the driver of the lorry was taken to hospital with a broken arm.

It is not clear as yet what caused the tanker truck to overturn and fall on to its side, across the median or where it was ultimately headed. By the time clean up crews had arrived the liquid had begun to solidify, making the scene difficult to clean up, local police said.

Bogdan Kowalski of Slupca’s fire brigade told AP that “the cooling chocolate is worse than snow”. He also noted that in the initial moments after the accident there were some who drove their vehicles through the sticky liquid, spreading it for several kilometers along the highway.

Here’s a video of them trying to bulldoze piles of delicious chocolate.

So, yeah.

This is the type of goofy stuff we’ve got going on out there in Poland…

Which doesn’t even begin to begin to compare to the least goofiest thing we’ve got going on in America.