Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2015

At least the Poles are connecting the migrant crisis to the Jewish infestation of Europe.
Polish prosecutors are investigating after far-right nationalists burned an effigy of an Orthodox Jew during an anti-migrant demonstration.
The incident occurred in the western city of Wroclaw Wednesday evening when a small group gathered in front of city hall, shouted anti-migrant slogans and then burned the effigy, dressed in black and with side curls. Prosecutors said Friday they opened the investigation at the request of the city mayor, Rafal Dutkiewicz.
Poland’s chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, said the incident is “outrageous and concerning. We cannot help but remember how Jews were burnt in effigy in the 1930s and today by Hamas.”
“This is just one more example showing how the hatred for migrants comes from the same place as the classic hatred for Jews,” Schudrich said.
It will be interesting to see if they are successfully prosecuted, what with the new right-wing government.
This needs to be looked at as the standard. Everyone protesting immigration needs to tie it back to Jews, until the two issues are inseparable in the minds of the masses.
We already have all the documentation on the Jewish role in the Moslem invasion agenda. The fact that Merkel herself is apparently not Jewish doesn’t matter, as all of these various organizations behind her and her agenda are headed by Jews, if not openly Jewish in nature. All of the media pushing this agenda down our throats is Jewish-owned, and the majority of specific articles pushing it are written by Jews or people with an obsession with the Jews.
We know that Soros is an even bigger figure than Merkel in all of this, and Soros is a filthy Jew.
The facts are in: the invasion of Europe is a Jewish plot. Jews are using the Moslems as part of a plan to destroy the White race. Without addressing this Jewish role, we are not addressing the problem.
Poland, we salute you.