Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2014

A colorful gang of Polish pimps tattooed their names in huge (read: gigantic) letters on their hoes “so dat dey be memberin der place.” The brothers Baranowski – the pimps in question – considered the tattoos a “reward” for the loyalty of the hoes, however, judging by the quality of the work, it definitely appears to have not been a reward.

Police raided the Gdansk cathouse in northern Poland and found 70 women, a large percentage of which had their giant names tattooed on them, leading to accusations that the whoring operation was not only immoral, but also ridiculous and goofy.
The women told investigators they willingly worked for Leszek Baranowski, 26, his 34-year-old brother Pawel and Olek, 31, but authorities say the men, along with several others, forced the women to work and earned more than $1.6 million in profits during a four-year period.
“Many of the women they were using were forced into the business, but at the moment we don’t have any evidence that those that were tattooed were forced to undergo the procedure under duress,” Mariusz Marciniak, a prosecutor’s spokesman, said, according to the International Business Times.
One woman sported a “faithful b—h to Leszek” tattooed down her body, with a second reading “I love my Lord and Master, property of Leszek,” running down her leg.
Another had the words of crooner Bryan Adams’ “Please Forgive Me” etched across her back, with the name of her three “owners” written underneath.
Experts noted that this is not the first time Polish people have been involved in something “completely f**king silly.”

A second group of more Jewy experts noted that if the entire population of Poland had done as they were supposed to and moved to London, this couldn’t have happened because there wouldn’t be any more people in Poland.