Polish PM Cancels Trip to Israel After Netanyahu Blames Him for the Holocaust

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2019

Holocaust politics are a little bit complicated.

As we know, the Holocaust was a hoax invented as war propaganda against Germany. Then after the war, the US military decided to use that propaganda against the people of Germany in order to force them into submission by accusing them of this heinous act of lampshading.

And of course the Jews love this story because it gets them sympathy, so they insist on forcing it down the throats of the entire planet.

Modern Poland is where the alleged death camps were all located. None of the camps were in Germany. The Poles do not traditionally like Jews very much, but nor do they like Germans very much, so they went along with promoting this hoax in order to cripple the Germans.

Then in the last couple years, the Jews decided to start saying that Poland also did the Holocaust. The Poles had not historically been accused of this, but all of the sudden the Jews decided to start accusing them. This accusation was probably in large part due to a Jewish desire to push back against more aggressive nationalism and anti-Semitism in Poland.

The reaction from the Poles has not been what the Jews had hoped for. Poles have become enraged that they are now being subjected to the slander that they happily subjected the Germans to.


PM Mateusz Morawiecki has cancelled a trip to Israel following comments on the Holocaust by Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr Netanyahu was quoted in Israeli media as saying “Poles co-operated with the Germans” during the Holocaust.

He later issued a clarification saying he was not referring to the Polish nation or all Polish people.

Poland summoned the Israeli ambassador and on Sunday said Mr Morawiecki would not attend a summit on Tuesday.

The ideal solution to this situation would be for Poland to remove their Holocaust denial laws and allow researches to go to the alleged death camps and dig up the group and see if these millions of bodies (or ash remains of bodies) are actually buried there.

Of course they are not, which is why it is illegal to dig there in the first place.

The Jews are really playing a dangerous game with their hoax by accusing Poland of taking part in it. Because they have evidence that no one took part in it, that it didn’t even happen.