Polish PM Says “Refugees” Not Likely to be Allowed in the Country

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
February 29, 2016


During an interview on Polish TV station Polsat, the Prime Minister, Beata Szydło said they don’t plan on taking any African and Middle Eastern illegal immigrants.

She said “Poland has not taken immigrants this year and is unlikely to take them in the near future“, and that “Europe isn’t prepared to take on such a number of immigrants.

Szydło said that her main priority was to ensure the safety of Poles.

She did not rule out a referendum on immigration, similar to the one Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has announced will take place in his country.

Anonymous Polish diplomats have recently echoed Szydło’s view.

Central and Eastern EU countries do not have the experience to live with citizens from North Africa or the Middle East” they said.

Before we start taking in and distributing [asylum seekers] we need to communicate it to the people of Europe.

More talk of immigration referendums! The governments of non-Western European countries seem not to like this forced “diversity”. The immigrant resettlement quota is just the EU’s underhanded way of “diversifying” all those evil White areas.

Why is there so much pressure being put on Central and Eastern European countries? Because they’re very White, and future generations look to be that way as well.

Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have been put on course to becoming minority White.

But “diversity” means that all White areas must be chased down, and forced to accept it, either politically, or sometimes even at bayonet point.

In case you didn’t know “diversity” is just a code word for White genocide.